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Monitoring and Reporting Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Facilities

Requirements for monitoring and reporting contaminant levels in stormwater discharges under Multi-Sector General Permit TXR050000.

Monitoring and Reporting Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Facilities

If you are covered under the stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (TXR050000) and are required to record analytical data for effluent monitoring kept onsite or reported to TCEQ, use the information below. Keep record of all monitoring results on-site with the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3). Some dischargers will also need to submit their monitoring data electronically to TCEQ, as described below, under Submit Your Report Electronically”.

HOTUPDATENetDMR is Now Available for Electronic Reporting by MSGP Permittees

Reporting of analytical results for compliance with effluent limitations and benchmark monitoring for the 2022 calendar year MSGP monitoring periods must be submitted electronically in the NetDMR reporting system by March 31, 2023.

The following discharge monitoring report forms may be used for record keeping in the SWP3. Do not submit paper DMRs to TCEQ unless you have requested and obtained an electronic reporting waiver.

The following reports are in Portable Document Format (PDF). (Help with PDF.)

Submit Your Report Electronically

If your facility is regulated by a Notice of Intent (NOI), the MSGP (TXR050000) requires that you submit all sampling data electronically using the NetDMR reporting system. The data is used to determine compliance with permit requirements, such as effluent limitations and benchmark monitoring. Submit results of samples collected between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022, in NetDMR by March 31, 2023.

You must collect and submit sampling data if any of the following applies to your facility:

  • Subject to federal effluent limitations guidelines.
  • Must report numeric effluent limits for an exceedance of hazardous metals.
  • Subject to benchmark monitoring requirements.
  • Discharges a pollutant of concern at a level of concern directly into an impaired water body.

Submit your data at TCEQ’s NetDMR webpage.

Permittees required to submit DMR results electronically must do so through the NetDMR reporting system. For more information about the NetDMR reporting system, visit the TCEQ NetDMR help page.

Sampling Guide

Below is a table summarizing the sampling required for sectors regulated by the MSGP.

NOTE: To view the sampling types or waivers you reported on your Notice of Intent, visit the TCEQ Water Quality General Permits Search webpage. Enter your permit authorization number and then review the authorization details.

Sampling Type Permit Citation MSGP Sector Frequency of Sample Report
Hazardous Metals Part III C.1 All sectors unless you get a waiver Anually Only if exceedance
Benchmark Part IV and Part V Certain SIC codes within A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, S, T, U, Y, AA, and AD Semi-annually (Jan-June and July-Dec) Always, however waiver option available for Year 3 and 4 of MSGP cycle
Federal Effluent Limits Part III.C.2 Table 3 Certain activities within A, C, D, E, J, O, and S Annually Always
Impaired Waterbody Part III Section B.4 All sectors if facility discharges Pollutant of Concern (POC) into receiving waterbody Annually Always

Reporting Deadline

The permittee shall report the results of sampling, as required by the MSGP, to the TCEQ by March 31 following the calendar year in which the samples were collected. For example, the deadline for the January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 monitoring period is March 31, 2023.

Roles and Signatory Authority in NetDMR

Understand Your Role

NetDMR accounts are per person, so there can be multiple account holders at a facility. You will select the role for your account based on the capability needed.

View role descriptions on the CDX User Types and NetDMR Roles webpage and choose one of the following:

  • Permittee (signature)
  • Permittee (no signature)
  • Data Provider

Accounts with a permittee (signature) role can sign and submit DMRs. To qualify for a permittee (signature) role, you must have signatory authority or be designated/delegated as a duly authorized representative as explained in Delegation of Signatories for the MSGP (RG 557).

If you have trouble logging in or creating an account, contact the NetDMR Helpdesk:

How to Complete the Report

Find MSGP DMRs in the NetDMR system – NetDMR has two types of DMRs: Scheduled “S” and Unscheduled “U”. Depending on your permit requirements, you may have to report data for both types of DMRs. You can search for these in NetDMR using your permit authorization number.

Sampling Types – You can have multiple sampling types on the same DMR. The DMR will list the parameters you need to report for each sampling type. Each parameter has an Outfall ID and Season ID to help you determine which type of sampling it is associated with. The last letter of the Outfall ID indicates the sampling reporting frequency: “Y” is annual. See the table below for additional information.

Sampling Type Scheduled (S) or Unscheduled (U) Outfall ID Frequency of Sample Season ID
Hazardous Metals U 001-UY Annually 0
Benchmark U 001-UY Semi annually 1
Federal Effluent Limits S * 001-SY * Anually 0
Impaired Waterbody U 001-UY Anually 0

In most cases, federal effluent limits are Scheduled. However, for some federal effluent limits, the daily average limits are Unscheduled and only reported if multiple samples are taken in one month.

Common Issues

Facilities reporting benchmark values but not hazardous metals – Benchmark and hazardous metals sampling will appear on the same Unscheduled DMR. You will not report hazardous metals sampling results if you:

  • submitted a waiver for hazardous metals sampling according to Part III Section C.1.c of the MSGP; or
  • sampled hazardous metals and had no exceedances.

Instead, complete an Unscheduled DMR and report a No Data Indicator (NODI) code “9” (for conditional monitoring-not required this period) for the hazardous metals’ parameters. Report any benchmark values as appropriate.

Facilities only required to sample for hazardous metals - If you are only required to sample for hazardous metals and no other sampling types, do not report in NetDMR if you:

  • submitted a waiver for all hazardous metals sampling according to Part III Section C.1.c of the MSGP or
  • sampled hazardous metals and had no exceedances.

Facilities with substantially similar outfalls - If you have multiple substantially similar outfalls, only report in NetDMR for one representative outfall. Use NODI Code 9 to report for the other outfalls. However, maintain the appropriate documentation on-site listed in Part III Section D.2.b. of the MSGP to show which outfalls are substantially similar.

Assistance Tools

Training Resources

TCEQ hosted a NetDMR MSGP webinar about submitting sampling results in NetDMR. Watch the recording on TCEQ’s Compliance Videos webpage. You can also view the presentation slides on the webinar webpage.

Find answers to frequently asked questions on EPA’s NetDMR FAQ webpage .

For more information about the NetDMR reporting system, visit the TCEQ NetDMR help page.

Contact Us

If you need assistance with NetDMR, contact the TCEQ’s MSGP DMR helpline at 1-855-906-MSGP (6747).

If you have questions about the stormwater programs of the TCEQ, please Contact us.