Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities: Am I Regulated?
Determine whether the Construction General Permit (CGP) for discharges from construction activities, TXR150000, applies to a project and, if so, at what level. Links to pages that explain each level of coverage.
Construction General Permit (CGP)
Under the existing CGP TXR150000 construction activities from which runoff goes into or adjacent to any surface water in the state are regulated according to the area of land disturbed. (Help with PDF.)
Large construction activities which disturb 5 or more acres, or are part of a larger common plan of development that will disturb 5 or more acres, are regulated under this general permit.
Small construction activities which disturb at least 1 but less than 5 acres, or are part of a larger common plan of development that will disturb at least 1 but less than 5 acres, are also regulated under this general permit.
Construction activities that disturb less than 1 acre, and are not part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb 1 or more acres, are not required to obtain coverage under this general permit.
Contact us if you have questions.