Additional Guidance and Quick Links: Construction Activities
Links to documents associated with construction stormwater activities.
Quick Links to Forms and Instructions that you may need to obtain authorization under this permit or to comply with permit requirements
Additional Guidance Links to provide convenient access to helpful information
Forms on this web page are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). (Help with PDF.)
HOT2023 Construction General Permit (CGP) TXR150000
TCEQ issued the renewal of the CGP with an effective date of March 5, 2023. Construction activities are regulated under the CGP if they discharge stormwater to any surface water in the state and disturb an acre or more of soil.
2023 CGP Documents:
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Quick Links to Forms and Instructions
PLEASE NOTE: Effective September 1, 2018, applicants must submit the NOI, LREW, NOT, and NOC forms using the online e-permitting system available through the TCEQ website or request and obtain an electronic reporting waiver. Electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable and expire on the same date as the authorization to discharge.
ePermits online applications (HTML): This link takes you to the TCEQ's STEERS webpage, which is the State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System. STEERS allows you to get instant authorization (Notice of Intent, No Exposure Certification) or to instantly terminate a permit (Notice of Termination). Applying for your CGP NOI online with STEERS will reduce your application fee from $325 (paper NOI) to $225 (CNOI). If you are unfamiliar with STEERS, please see our
“How To Register with STEERS” document for assistance in setting up your account.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to apply online due to an “Unvalid CN”, it means the entity information you are entering does not match the information on record with Texas Comptroller’s Office or Secretary of State. You may be required to fill out a Core Data Form (CDF) to resolve this issue, please contact the TCEQ Central Registry at 512-239-5175, for assistance. For more information, click here.
Additional Guidance Links
Signatory Requirement Guidance : This document describes which person(s) have the authority to sign formal documents, such as a Notices of Intent, Notice of Change and Notice of Termination as required by Title 30 Texas Administrative Code, Section 305.44.
An example letter delegating signatory authority (TCEQ-20403) is also available on the Construction Stormwater General Permit section of the Small Business and Local Government Assistance web page "Assistance Tools for Stormwater Permitting".
TCEQ’s Small Business and Local Government Assistance Program has developed several guidance documents for the construction community, including SWP3 worksheets, site notice templates, guidance document for primary and secondary operators, and frequently asked questions.
Construction Industry Compliance Assistance (HTML) : This website provides information about BMPs, samples of stormwater pollution prevention plans, and other helpful information.