Guadalupe, San Antonio, Mission, and Aransas Rivers and Mission, Copano, Aransas and San Antonio Bays Basin and Bay Area Stakeholder Committee: Members and Meetings
Members of the stakeholder committee for the Guadalupe, San Antonio, Mission, and Aransas Rivers and Mission, Copano, Aransas and San Antonio Bays and the interest groups they represent. Meetings, agendas, attendees, presentations, and findings.
Guadalupe, San Antonio, Mission, and Aransas Rivers BBASC and BBEST Home
The Guadalupe, San Antonio, Mission, and Aransas Rivers and Mission, Copano, Aransas, and San Antonio Bays BBASC develops environmental flows recommendations for their river basin and bay system based on their associated science team’s recommendations and other factors, including present and future needs of water for other uses. The current members of this committee are:
Interest Group | Member |
River Authorities | Suzanne Scott, Chair |
Public Interest | Dianne Wassenich, Vice-Chair |
Agricultural Irrigation | Jim Bower |
Chemical Manufacturing | Lance Thomasson |
Commercial Fisherman | Jack Campbell |
Confined Animal Feeding Operation | Jay Gray |
Electric Generation | Doris Cooksey |
Environmental Interests | Jace Tunnell |
Environmental Interests | Ken Dunton |
Free-Range Livestock | Terry Dudley |
Groundwater Conservation Districts | Milan Michalec |
Groundwater Conservation Districts | Roland Ruiz |
Groundwater Conservation Districts | Thurman S. Clements, Jr. |
Municipalities | Donald Reese |
Municipalities | Ian Taylor |
Municipalities | Robert Puente |
Public Interest Groups | Charlie Flatten |
Public Interest Groups | Garrett Engelking |
Recreational Water Users | Colin McDonald |
Recreational Water Users | Jay Daniel |
Refining | Scott Courtney |
Regional Water Planning Groups | Iliana Peña |
Regional Water Planning Groups | David Mauk |
River Authorities | James Lee Murphy |
River Authorities | Thomas Hill |
Soil and Water Conservation Districts | Edward Seidensticker |
BBASC Meetings
- Statewide Synthesis of Environmental Flow Studies from 2014-2017
- Assessing the Effects of Freshwater Inflows and Other Key Drivers on the Population Dynamics of Blue Crab and White Shrimp
- Seasonal Ecological Assessment in the Upper Guadalupe Delta
- Using Comparative Long-Term Benthic Data for Adaptive Management of Freshwater Inflow to Three Estuaries
- Environmental Flows Validation in Three River Basins
- Rangia Clam Investigation in the Upper Guadalupe Bay System-SARA, UTMSI & Bio-West Inc.
- Guadalupe-San Antonio River Delta Measurement and Modeling of Flows-UT-CRWR
- Texas Instream Flow Program Studies-SARA, Bio-West Inc., Baylor University, Texas State, & Texas A&M University
- Assessing the Effects of Freshwater Inflows and Other Key Drivers on the Population Dynamics of Blue Crab and White Shrimp Using a Multivariate Time-Series Modeling Framework-UTMSI
- Strategy Options for Meeting Attainment Frequencies for the Estuaries-San Antonio Bay Partnership
- Rangia Clam Investigation in the Upper San Antonio Bay System, Guadalupe Delta and Estuary Bayou Flow
- Guadalupe-San Antonio River Delta and Modeling of Flows
- Environmental Flow Validations Studies
- Assessing the Effects of Freshwater Inflows and Other Key Drivers on the Population Dynamics of Blue Crab and White Shrimp Using a Multivariate Time-Series Modeling Framework
- Strategy Options for Meeting Attainment Frequencies for the Estuaries
- Environmental Flows-Validation
- Guadalupe Delta and Estuary Bayou Flow
- Rangia Claim Ivestigation
- Assessing the Effects of Freshwater Inflows and Other Key Drivers on the Population Dynamics of Blue Crab and White Shrimp Using a Multivariate Time-Series Modeling Framework
- Strategy Options for Meeting Attainment Frequencies for the Estuaries
- Aransas County Resolution #R27-2011
BBASC Preliminary Votes
- GSA BBASC Recommendations: Estuary Recommendation Structure Decision Process
- Report on Evaluations of "Strategies" to Meet Environmental Flow Standards
- Strategy Proposals Guadalupe River Basin Bays Stakeholder Committee
- Summary of BBEST Estuary Inflow Recommendations
- SAC Review Comments on the GSA BBEST Environmental Flow Recommendations Report, dated March 1, 2011
- TPWD Comment Letter on the GSA BBEST Report
- Osborny Instream Flows Assessment
- Technical Analyses of GSA BBEST Recommendations Part 1: San Antonio River Project
- Technical Analyses of GSA BBEST Recommendations Part 2: Mid Basin Project
- Technical Analyses of GSA BBEST Recommendations Part 3: Run of River Diversions
- Guadalupe Estuary White Shrimp Flow Requirements
- Surface Water Management Strategies in the 2011 South Central Texas Regional Water Plan