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TCEQ Programs That Use Remediation Contractors

The TCEQ procures and oversees independent contractor services to perform corrective action at a variety of waste sites. These include Superfund Cleanup program, Voluntary Cleanup/Brownfields and State-Lead Remediation.

The TCEQ procures and oversees independent contractor services to perform corrective action at a variety of waste sites. Corrective action includes emergency abatement, site investigation, monitoring, remedial action plan (RAP) development, site remediation, system design and installation, and operation and maintenance. Biddable and professional services contracts are procured for the following programs.

Superfund Cleanup Program

The state Superfund program mission is to remediate abandoned or inactive sites within the state that pose an unacceptable risk to public health and safety or the environment, but which do not qualify for action under the federal Superfund program.

Voluntary Cleanup/Brownfields

The Texas VCP provides administrative, technical, and legal incentives to encourage the cleanup of contaminated sites in Texas. Since all non-responsible parties, including future lenders and landowners, receive protection from liability to the state of Texas for cleanup of sites under the VCP, most of the constraints for completing real estate transactions at those sites are eliminated.

State-Lead Remediation

The PST State-Lead Program receives referrals of release incident cases from either the TCEQ's Responsible Party Remediation Program or the regional field offices. Referred cases generally involve responsible parties (RPs) who are either financially unable or unwilling to conduct the necessary corrective action at an LPST site. The Dry Cleaning Remediation Program accepts cases of releases at dry cleaning facilities.