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Custodial Trustee of the ASARCO Site, El Paso, Texas

Under the settlement agreement approved by the bankruptcy court, ASARCO's El Paso smelter property was placed in an environmental custodial trust and is managed by a custodial trustee.

Custodial Trustee and Future Remedial Work

The TCEQ is pleased to announce the selection of Project Navigator, Ltd., represented by Roberto Puga, as the custodial trustee to manage the remedial activities at the ASARCO-El Paso site.

Under the settlement agreement approved by the bankruptcy court, ASARCO's El Paso smelter property will be placed in an environmental custodial trust and managed by this custodial trustee. The bankruptcy court will require that $52 million be placed into an account to fund the remediation of the site. As part of the bankruptcy process, the TCEQ identified Project Navigator as the trustee from 24 submittals received.

Any future remedial work on the site will be handled by the trustee. Mr. Puga may be reached by emailing and a website has been established to provide additional information. The trustee will manage ASARCO’s properties and start the remedial work. TCEQ will provide oversight of the remedial work. The notification or solicitation of any future work will be handled by the trustee, not the TCEQ. See the current Request For Statement of Qualifications (RFQ) on PathForward Consulting’s website .