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Camtraco Enterprises, Inc.

This former fuel storage, blending, and distillation facility in Pearland, Brazoria County is in the Operation and Maintenance phase of the State Superfund Program.

Site Summary

The Camtraco Enterprises, Inc. state Superfund site is located at 18823 Amoco Drive, Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas. The site consists of approximately 3.5 acres of vacant land that is bordered by residential properties to the south, west, and north, and a railroad right-of-way and industrial property to the east. The site is bounded on all sides by a seven-foot security fence.

The site was formerly used as a fuel storage and fuel blending/distillation facility. In 1988 and 1989, the TCEQ conducted numerous investigations that identified evidence of on-site spills, air violations, and buried drums. The site has been inactive since 1992.

Superfund Registry and Investigation

From 2005 to 2006, the TCEQ performed a removal action at the site and sampled private water wells within a half mile of the site. The TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry on February 6, 2009.

In November 2016, the TCEQ prepared a Proposed Remedial Action Document (PRAD), which presents the proposed remedial action alternative and describes the evaluation process that was used to select the proposed remedy.

The TCEQ held a public meeting on January 12, 2017 in Pearland, Texas, to present and discuss the proposed remedy.

Remedial Action

In August 2017, the TCEQ conducted remedial activities which consisted of excavation and disposal of contaminated soils and implementation of a Plume Management Zone. Institutional controls were recorded in the real property records to limit land use at the site to commercial/industrial land use and to prevent the use of and exposure to, contaminated groundwater in the area of the Plume Management Zone (PMZ).

Current Status

The site is in the operation and maintenance phase. The TCEQ will periodically monitor the PMZ until the site reaches protective concentration levels.

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