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City View Road Groundwater Plume

This groundwater plume in Midland, Midland County is being addressed under the State Superfund Program.

Site Background

The City View Road Groundwater Plume state Superfund site (the site) consists of a groundwater contamination plume of unknown origin. The site is located southwest of the intersection of Farm Road 307 and Fairgrounds Road in Midland County, and is bordered by Cloverdale Road on the north, and Fairgrounds Road on the east. Release of hazardous substances into groundwater is the major concern at the site. Impacted drinking water wells are clustered near the corner of Cloverdale Road, Fairgrounds Road, and City View Road. The site is comprised of private homes, trailers and a few scattered small businesses. The contamination was discovered in 2003 during an investigation of a crude oil spill from a pipeline leak.

Superfund Actions Taken to Date

  • August 2004, a hazard ranking system (HRS) document was prepared for the City View Road Groundwater Plume site.
  • January 2005, a work order was issued to the consultant to have the site surveyed, to obtain historical aerial photographs, and to search historical records for previous industries or commercial facilities that may have operated at the site.
  • March 2005, TCEQ's contractor sampled 38 residential water wells at the City View Road Groundwater Plume project site.
  • April 2005, a community relations plan (CRP) was prepared for the City View Road Groundwater Plume site.
  • April 22, 2005, a legal notice was published in the Midland Reporter Telegram and the Texas Register (30 TexReg 2439) describing the site and proposing it for listing on the state Superfund registry.
  • April 25, 2005, a work order was issued to investigate the location of the active and inactive wells at the site and to mark each location on the surveyed maps.
  • May 2005, the investigation to locate active and inactive wells was completed. The wells were assigned GPS locator points and were plotted on a surveyed map. Five additional active wells that have been identified will be included in the sampling next month.
  • June 2005, four of the five water wells identified in the May investigation were sampled. The fifth well was not sampled because an access agreement could not be obtained from the property owner. The survey map showing the locations of the active and inactive water wells in the proposed project area was received. Residents were notified of the results of the well water analysis for the March sampling event.
  • July 2005, forty-two residential wells were sampled and analyzed. Analysis results of four wells showed tetrachloroethelyne concentrations over the maximum contaminant level of 5 parts per billion. Those four wells were equipped with activated charcoal filtration systems.
  • September 2005, the field sampling plan was finalized.
  • October 2005, TCEQ conducted a public meeting at the Midland City Public Library where public comment was received on the proposal of the site to the Superfund registry.
  • November 2005, forty-three residential wells were sampled and anaylzed. No additional water wells contained tetrachloroethylene concentrations over the maximum contaminant level.
  • March 2006, forty-two residential wells were sampled and analyzed. Two additional water wells were determined to have tetrachloroethylene concentrations over the maximum contaminant level. The water wells were fitted with activated carbon filtration systems.
  • July 2006, thirty-nine water wells were sampled and analyzed. Water in one additional well was determined to have tetrachloroethylene concentrations over the maximum contaminant level. The well was fitted with an activated carbon filtration system.
  • November 6, 2006, six monitor wells were installed: three up-gradient and three down-gradient of the site. Soil and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed. Nearby residential wells also were sampled as part of the monitoring program.
  • January 2007, results of groundwater samples from the upgradient and downgradient wells installed in November showed no PCE presenting a human health risk. Results for the residential wells sampled in November show no significant change from previous sampling events.
  • March 7, 2007, approximately 40 residential wells were sampled during the week of March 5. The samples were sent to a water laboratory for analysis. Results are expected in April.
  • May 2007, water well data from the March 2007 sampling event were mailed to the residents.
  • August 22, 2007, the analytical data from the July monitoring of water wells was received. There was no additional PCE concentration over the maximum concentration level of 5ppb.
  • October 2008, the waterline construction, financed by TCEQ, began eastward from Jackson Street toward Cloverdale Road.
  • November 2008, residential water well monitoring was conducted and filtration system was serviced by a TCEQ contractor.
  • December 2008, received November 2008 residential water well monitoring data. The construction of the water line continues.
  • February 2009, the analytical results of the November 2008 residential water well monitoring event have been mailed to the residents. The filtration systems had the filters exchanged in January.
  • March 2009, Waterline construction is continuing.
  • April 28, 2009, the TCEQ mailed an update and notification of a community meeting to residents and businesses.
  • May 2009, construction of the water line to the City View Road Groundwater Plume project area has been completed.
  • May 14, 2009, a community meeting is scheduled and will be held at the Cogdell Learning Center, 201 W. Florida, Midland, TX at 6:30p.m.
  • July 9, 2009, seven filtration systems were removed from the properties which were connected to the waterline.
  • March 24, 2011, a community meeting will be held at the Cogdell Learning Center, 201 West Florida, Midland, Texas.
  • May 10, 2011, the TCEQ mailed a newsletter to residents, property owners and residents.
  • June 10, 2011, the TCEQ started conducting a Pilot Study to evaluate the efficiency of chemical oxidation as a remedy for the groundwater contamination by injecting sodium permanganate into the groundwater. The Pilot Study will continue until December 2011. The groundwater is contaminated with perchloroethylene (PCE).
  • July 2011, the TCEQ is continuing the Pilot Study.
  • January 2013, the pilot study, consisting of injecting sodium permanganate into the groundwater, was completed. The contaminant perchloroethylene (PCE) was reduced to below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) during the pilot study. However, the PCE returned to its previous concentration level once the pilot study was completed because the source(s) of contamination has/have not been identified or treated.

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