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This former landfill in Rusk County was remediated under the state Superfund Program. No further Superfund environmental response actions are required at this site.

Site Summary

The site is located on approximately 3.6 acres at West 801 Highway 64 in Henderson, Rusk County, Texas. The site was operated as a private landfill for an unknown time between 1928 and 1990. Landfilling activities involved waste materials from a farm implement repair facility, including spent oil, tanks, wood chips, drums and battery chips. Excavations at the site may have resulted in releases to the surface.

Superfund Registry and Investigation

The TCEQ proposed the site for listing on the state Superfund registry in 2000. The TCEQ conducted a remedial investigation in 2001-2002. The results of the investigation identified contaminants of concern as lead and petroleum constituents benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) in soil.

Removal Actions

In 2003 the TCEQ removed soils contaminated with lead and BTEX and a leaking underground storage tank that was the source of the BTEX contamination. Groundwater did not require remediation. The TCEQ determined that after the removal action, the site no longer presented an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health and safety or the environment. The site was deleted from the state Superfund registry in 2004.

Current Status

No further Superfund environmental response actions are required.