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James Barr Facility

This former hazardous waste storage facility in Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas has been remediated under the state Superfund program. No further Superfund environmental response actions are required, and the site has been deleted from the state Superfund registry.

Site Summary

The James Barr Facility site is located in the 3300 block of Industrial Drive in Pearland, Texas and approximately ½ mile east of the intersection of Industrial Drive and South Main Street. The L-shaped site occupies two acres and is bounded on the west by a residence and an environmental consulting company; to the south by Industrial Drive (Telephone Road) and on the east by an adult care center. Vacant land abuts the northern boundary of the site and an apartment complex is located approximately 500 feet northwest of the site.

Mr. James Barr operated a hazardous waste storage facility on-site. Hazardous waste was transported to the site in vacuum trucks and unloaded into various aboveground storage tanks located on the property. There were also two surface impoundments located on the property.

Beginning Cleanup

Several investigations that were performed from 1997 through 1999 documented releases of hazardous substances at the site. In September 2001, the TCEQ conducted an immediate removal action at the site, which involved the removal and off-site disposal of drums containing contaminated soil and sludge. A site perimeter fence with warning signs was also constructed to limit unauthorized access.

Superfund Registry and Investigation

The TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry on November 8, 2002 and proposed a commercial/industrial land use for the Site.

The TCEQ began the remedial investigation in March 2003, and groundwater monitoring was conducted in the following years. The TCEQ conducted additional removal actions in August and September 2011 and March 2012, which included the excavation and offsite disposal of contaminated soil, sediment, and sludge. The surface impoundments were then backfilled and graded to facilitate surface water runoff.

The TCEQ completed the remedial investigation and focused feasibility study in February 2012.

Superfund Registry and Remedial Action

On August 28, 2013, the TCEQ issued an administrative order to remediate the site that established a plume management zone (PMZ) with institutional controls as the remedy for the shallow groundwater beneath the site. The site was included in the annual update of the Superfund Registry, published in the Texas Register on September 27, 2013.

After several years of groundwater monitoring, the TCEQ determined that the remedial action objectives have been met and further groundwater monitoring is unnecessary.

Cleanup is complete. The site was deleted from the state Superfund registry in June 2018.

Current Status

Cleanup is complete. No additional state Superfund environmental response actions are required.

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