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This former coin-operated dry cleaning business in Llano County is currently in the remedial investigation phase of the state Superfund program due to hazardous substances in groundwater.

Site Summary

The Kingsland state Superfund site is located at 2101 FM 1431, in Kingsland, Llano County. From 1968 through 1988, there was a laundromat at this location, which contained a coin-operated dry cleaning machine until 1979. Releases of tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene (PCE), from the dry cleaning activities, contaminated the soil and groundwater at the site.  

In 1989, during the Texas Department of Health’s routine sampling, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in community public water supply wells. Consequently, the public water supply changed its water source from groundwater to surface water. In 1998, VOCs were also detected in private wells. Subsequently, the impacted residences were connected to the community public water supply system.

Superfund Registry and Investigation

The TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry in July 1998. As part of the ongoing remedial investigation the TCEQ has installed several monitoring wells, collected extensive soil and groundwater samples, and conducted geophysical surveys to delineate the nature and extent of the contamination. The TCEQ continues to identify and coordinate public water supply connections for affected residences.  


The site is in the remedial investigation phase and TCEQ is conducting a feasibility study to develop and analyze potential cleanup alternatives.