Moss Lake Road Groundwater Plume
This Groundwater Plume underlying Moss Lake Road in Big Spring, Howard County is in the Remedial Investigation Phase of the state Superfund program.
Site Summary
This groundwater plume site is located approximately ¼ mile north of the intersection of North Moss Lake Road and Interstate 20, approximately 4 miles east of Big Spring, Howard County, Texas.
The TCEQ identified the site during routine monitoring of a nearby public water supply. A sample collected was found to contain elevated levels of tetrachloroethene, also known as perchloroethylene or PCE.
The TCEQ installed and maintains water filtration systems on ten residential wells within the plume where PCE concentrations exceeded the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Maximum Contaminant Level for PCE in drinking water.
The TCEQ conducted a preliminary assessment and a site inspection (PA/SI) from February 2008 through June 2008. The PA/SI and subsequent field work included sampling domestic private water wells and collecting surface soil samples in the proximity of the site.
Superfund Registry and Investigation
The TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry in July 2010. The remedial investigation (RI) will determine the nature and extent of the groundwater contamination.
Current Status
The RI is ongoing. Efforts to delineate the PCE contamination plume in the groundwater are continuing.