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Permian Chemical Company

No further Superfund remedial activities are needed on this former chemical manufacturer in Odessa, Ector County.

Site Background

The Permian Chemical Company site is approximately 30 acres located southeast of downtown Odessa at 325 Pronto Avenue (formerly numbered as 1901 Pronto Road). The Permian Chemical Company manufactured hydrochloric acid and potassium sulfate fertilizer by reacting sulfuric acid with potassium chloride. During the course of operations, spills and leaks occurred. Also, the company used two ditches to flow hazardous (pH of less than 2) wastewater to onsite impoundments. The site was abandoned in 1988, leaving an unknown amount of hydrochloric acid in the process lines and tanks and a large amount of potassium sulfate on site. Sample results indicated that lead and chromium were present in the sediments of a pond on the north portion of the site. The quality of the groundwater in the upper and lower water-bearing zones under the site has been affected by the activities on site.

Superfund Actions Taken to Date

  • July 16, 1993, a legal notice was published in the Texas Register, (18 TexReg 4709) describing the site, proposing the site to the state Superfund registry, and announcing a public meeting would be held August 19, 1993 at the Odessa City Council Chambers to receive comments on the proposal of the site to the state Superfund registry.
  • August 1993, the emergency response team acted to limit dangers that contaminants may have posed to public health and safety or the environment by removing potassium sulfate from the site, constructing a site perimeter fence to limit unauthorized access, and posting signs warning of contamination.
  • September 1, 1993, effective date of the creation of the Texas Natural Resource
    Conservation Commission from the joining of the Texas Water Commission and the Texas Air Control Board and a portion of the Texas Department of Health.
  • October 1, 1994, TNRCC issued a work order to determine the nature and extent of contamination (RI/FS).
  • November 1996, a removal action was conducted to contain acidic process fluids.
    Solid by-product materials were collected and drummed. Unstable process structures at the site were dismantled and stockpiled in an interim storage area to eliminate potential hazards.
  • August 28, 1997, remedial investigation Phase I completed.
  • June 22, 1999, remedial investigation Phase II, consisting of determination of the extent of the groundwater plume, under way.
  • July 23, 1999, a legal notice was published in the Texas Register (24 TexReg 5798) and the Odessa American proposing nonresidential land use specifications for remediation of the site contamination. The land use designation may be considered in an remedial action proposed for the site. A public meeting to receive citizen comments was to be held August 30, 1999, at the Ector County Courthouse, Commissioner Court Room.
  • August 30, 1999, a public meeting was held at the Ector County Courthouse, Commissioner Court Room, to present to the community a proposed nonresidential land use for the site, and to receive citizen comments. Determination of land use may impact any remedial action proposed for the site.
  • May 5, 2000, TNRCC approved the Phase II remedial investigation report.
  • June 26, 2000, the baseline risk assessment report was completed. The results of the risk assessment concluded that, with the exception of on-site low-pH materials, the site does not pose unacceptable excessive risk to human health or the environment. Although the groundwater had low levels of contaminants, it was determined in the risk assessment that the contaminants did not pose a threat.
  • July 1, 2000, TNRCC issued a work order for performance of a comprehensive waste inventory and waste characterization of all onsite wastes, including remaining process facilities' waste and investigation-derived waste. This study was to be used to support waste removal activities at the site.
  • May 31, 2001, TNRCC received the waste removal action work plan. The plan outlined disposition of investigation-derived waste and some remaining Class I wastes. Based on investigative technical reports, TNRCC concluded that the site did not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. No further remedial action was warranted at the site. Conditions at the site met commercial/industrial cleanup criteria established by Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 350 (Texas Risk Reduction Program).
  • December 13, 2001, TNRCC approved the waste removal action report which related that all investigation-derived waste, hazardous waste and Class 1 wastes had been removed from the site and sent to an authorized waste disposal facility.
  • January 18, 2002, a legal notice was published in the Texas Register (27 TexReg 511) and the Odessa American proposing to delete the site from the state Superfund registry in accordance with 30 TAC §335.344 and inviting public comment on the determination that the site no longer presents an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health and safety or the environment. A public meeting was scheduled for February 26, 2002, at the Ector County Library. No further remedial action planned.
  • February 26, 2002, a public meeting was held at the Ector County Library, Rotary Room, in Odessa. No challenges or comments were received on the determination that the site no longer presents an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health and safety or the environment, and the proposal to delete the site from the Superfund registry.
  • April 19, 2002, a legal notice was published in the Texas Register officially deleting the Permian Chemical Company site from the state Superfund registry in accordance with 30 TAC §335.344(c). No challenges or comments were received on the determination that the site no longer presented an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health and safety or the environment. No further remedial action planned.
  • April 23, 2002, an updated community relations plan (CRP) was prepared for the Permian Chemical Company site.
  • September 1, 2002, effective date of the name change from Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

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