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Tucker Oil Refinery/Clinton Manges Oil & Refining Company

This former oil refinery in Anderson County is in the remedial investigation phase of the state Superfund program. Soil and groundwater at the site are contaminated with volatile organic compounds and non-aqueous phase liquids.

Site History

The Tucker Oil Refinery/Clinton Manges Oil and Refining Company site is on the east side of U.S. Highway 79 in the rural community of Tucker, approximately 9 miles west of Palestine in Anderson County and ¼ mile north of the intersection of the highway and County Road 2133.

The facility consists of an inactive and dismantled oil refinery on approximately 9 acres of land between U.S. Highway 79 and the Union Pacific Railroad, and a small frame office-building on 2.2 acres across the highway to the west. Other tracts of land adjacent to the refinery tract may have been connected to the operations.

Oil was refined at the site as early as 1940, continuing through a succession of owners until 1981. The facility was sold for scrap metal salvage in 1994. Salvage operations were completed in late December 1995.

Superfund Registry and Investigation

In March 2000, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) referred the site to the state Superfund program for remediation. The TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry in November 2000.  During the remedial investigation, begun in May 2001, TCEQ contractors sampled soil and groundwater, and performed waste consolidation and removal activities, including removing all sumps and impoundments.

Current Status

The site is in the remedial investigation phase and currently undergoing a feasibility study to develop and analyze potential cleanup alternatives for the contamination.

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