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Scientific Journal Articles by TCEQ Toxicologists

A bibliography of papers by TCEQ toxicologists that have appeared in scientific journals.
A bibliography of papers by TCEQ toxicologists that have appeared in scientific journals.

  1. Beck, N.B., R.A. Becker, N. Erraguntla, W.H. Farland, R.L. Grant, G. Gray, C. Kirman, J.S. LaKind, R.J. Lewis, P. Nance, L.H. Pottenger, S.L. Santos, S. Shirley, T. Simon, M.L. Dourson. 2016. Approaches for describing and communicating overall uncertainty in toxicity characterizations: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) as a case study. Environment International 89–90: 110–128.
  2. Capobianco, T., S.M. Hildebrand, M. Honeycutt, J.S. Lee, D. McCant, and R.L. Grant. 2013. Impact of three interactive Texas state regulatory programs to decrease ambient air toxic Levels. J Air Waste Management Association 63(5): 507–20.Open access: Open access:
  3. Erraguntla, N.K. and R.L. Grant. 2015. Health- and vegetative-based effect screening values for ethylene. Chemico-Biological Interactions 241: 87-93.
  4. Erraguntla, N.K., R.L. Sielken, C. Valdez-Flores, and R.L. Grant. 2012. An updated inhalation unit risk factor for arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds based on a combined analysis of epidemiology studies. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 64: 329–41.
  5. Ethridge, S., Bredfeldt, T., Sheedy, K., Shirley, S., Lopez, G., and M. Honeycutt. 2015. The Barnett Shale: From problem formulation to risk management. Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources 11: 95-110.
  6. Goldstein, B.D., B.W. Brooks, S.D. Cohen, A.E. Gates, M.E. Honeycutt, J.B. Morris, T.M. Penning, J. Orme-Zavalets, and J. Snawder. 2014. The role of toxicological sciences in meeting the challenges and opportunities of hydraulic fracturing. Toxicological Sciences 139(2): 271–83.
  7. Goodman, J.E., Zu, K., Loftus, C.T., Tao, G., Liu, X., S. Lange. Ambient Ozone and Asthma Hospital Admissions in Texas: A Time-series Analysis. 2017. Asthm Res Pract. 3:6.
  8. Goodman J.E., Sax S.N., Lange S., and L.R. Rhomberg. 2015. Are the elements of the proposed ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards informed by the best available science? Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 72(1): 134–40.
  9. Grant, R.L., S. Taiwo, and D. McCant. 2015. Assessment of chronic inhalation non-cancer toxicity for diethylamine. Inhalation Toxicology 24(14): 778-86.
  10. Grant, R.L. and A.F. Jenkins. 2015. Use of in vivo and in vitro data to derive a chronic reference value for crotonaldehyde based on relative potency to acrolein. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 18(7-8):327-43.
  11. Grant, R.L., J. Haney, A.L. Curry, and M. Honeycutt. 2010. A chronic reference value for 1,3-butadiene based on an updated noncancer toxicity assessment. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 13: 460–75.
  12. Grant, R.L., J. Haney, A.L. Curry, and M. Honeycutt. 2009. Development of a unit risk factor for 1,3-butadiene based on an updated carcinogenic toxicity assessment. Risk Analysis 29: 1726–42.
  13. Grant, R.L., B.J. Kadlubar, N.K. Erraguntla, and M. Honeycutt. 2007b. Evaluation of acute inhalation toxicity for chemicals with limited toxicity information. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 47: 261–73.
  14. Grant, R.L., V. Leopold, D. McCant, and M. Honeycutt, 2007a. Spatial and temporal trend evaluation of ambient concentrations of 1,3-butadiene and chloroprene in Texas. Chemico-Biological Interactions 166: 44–51.
  15. Grant, R.L., R.J. Rodriguez, C.S. Hofelt and L.C. Haws. 2002. Shortcomings in USEPA approach for predicting risk due to consumption of animal food products impacted by air emissions from hazardous waste combustion facilities: A case study involving phthalates, Human & Ecological Risk Assess. 8: 1137–54.
  16. Haney, J.T., N.D. Forsberg, G.C. Hoeger, A.K. Meyer, and B.H. Magee. 2021. Oral and Dermal Bioavailability Studies of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Soils Containing Weathered Fragments of Clay Shooting Targets. Environmental Science & Technology 2021 55(10),6897-6906 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c00684.
  17. Haney, J.T., Forsbergb, N.D., Hoegerc, G.C., Mageeb, B.H., Meyerd, A.K. 2020. Risk assessment implications of site-specific oral relative bioavailability factors and dermal absorption fractions for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface soils impacted by clay skeet target fragments. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Volume 113, June 2020, 104649.
  18. Haney, J.T., McCant, D., Honeycutt, M.E., Lange, S. 2018. Development of an inhalation reference concentration for diethanolamine. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 92: 55-66.
  19. Haney, J.T. 2016. Historical drinking water contamination at Camp Lejeune: Regulatory risk assessor and personal perspectives. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 22:4, 1029-1035.
  20. Haney, J.T., T. Phillips, R.L. Sielken, et al. 2015d. Development of an inhalation unit risk factor for isoprene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 73: 712-725.
  21. Haney, J.T., 2015c. Consideration of non-linear, non-threshold and threshold approaches for assessing the carcinogenicity of oral exposure to hexavalent chromium. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 73: 834-852.
  22. Haney, J.T. 2015b. Implications of dose-dependent target tissue absorption for linear and non-linear/threshold approaches in development of a cancer-based oral toxicity factor for hexavalent chromium. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 72: 194-201.
  23. Haney, J.T. 2015a. Use of dose-dependent absorption into target tissues to more accurately predict cancer risk at low oral doses of hexavalent chromium. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 71: 93-100.
  24. Haney, J.T., N. Erraguntla, R.L. Sielken, et al. 2012. Development of a cancer-based chronic inhalation reference value for hexavalent chromium based on a nonlinear-threshold carcinogenic assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 64: 466–80.
  25. Haney, J.T., D. McCant, R.L. Sielken, C. Valdez-Flores, and R.L. Grant. 2012. Development of a unit risk factor for nickel and inorganic nickel compounds based on an updated carcinogenic toxicity assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 62: 191–01.
  26. Haney, J.T., N. Erraguntla, R.L. Sielken, et al. 2014. Development of an inhalation unit risk factor for hexavalent chromium. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 68: 201–11.
  27. Hofelt, C.S., M. Honeycutt, J.T. McCoy, and L.C. Haws. 2001. Development of a metabolism factor for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for use in multipathway risk assessments of hazardous waste combustion facilities. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 33(1): 60–65.
  28. Kirman, C.R., and R.L. Grant. 2012. Quantitative human health risk assessment for 1,3-butadiene based upon ovarian effects in rodents. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 62: 371–84.
  29. Lange, S., S.E. Mulholland, and M.E. Honeycutt. What Are the Net Benefits of Reducing the Ozone Standard to 65 ppb? An Alternative Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15(8), 1586. Open access:
  30. Lange, S. Comparing apples to oranges: Interpreting ozone concentrations from observational studies in the context of the United States ozone regulatory standard. Science of The Total Environment Volume 644, 10 December 2018, Pages 1547-1556. Available online 13 July 2018:
  31. McCant, D., S. Lange, J. Haney, and M. Honeycutt. 2017. The perpetuation of the misconception that rats receive a 3-5 times lower lung tissue dose than humans at the same ozone concentration. Inhalation Toxicology 29(5): 187-196. Open access:
  32. Myers, J.L. 2016. Development of an inhalation unit risk factor for ethylene dichloride. Inhalation Toxicology. 28(9): 403-409.
  33. Myers, J.L., T. Phillips, and R.L. Grant. 2015. Emissions and ambient air monitoring trends of lower olefins across Texas from 2002 to 2012. Chemico-Biological Interactions 241: 2-9.
  34. Myers, J.L. and R.L. Grant. 2015. Development of a chronic inhalation reference value for hexamethylenediamine using an exposure model based on the dihydrochloride salt. Inhalation Toxicology 27(9): 440-449.
  35. Rhomberg, L., J. Goodman, L. Bailey, R. Prueitt, N. Beck, C. Bevin, M. Honeycutt, N. Kaminski, G. Paoli, L. Pottenger, R. Scherer, K. Wise, and R. Becker. 2013. A survey of frameworks for best practices in weight-of-evidence analyses. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 43(9):753–84.
  36. Schaefer, H.R. and J.L. Myers. 2017b. Guidelines for performing systematic reviews in the development of toxicity factors. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 91: 124-141. Open access:
  37. Schaefer, H.R. and J.L. Myers. 2017a. Development of an inhalation unit risk factor for ethylene dibromide. Inhalation Toxicology. 29(7): 304-309. Open access:
  38. Shaw, B.W., S.S. Lange, and M.E. Honeycutt. 2015. “Lowering the Ozone Standard Will Not Measurably Improve Public Health.” Environmental Manager, May issue, pp. 26-31.
  39. Zu, K., Liu, X., Shi, L., Tao, G., Loftus, C.T., Lange, S., J.E. Goodman. Concentration-Response of Short-term Ozone Exposure and Hospital Admissions for Asthma in Texas. 2017. Environ Int. 104, pp. 139-45. updated March 7, 2019