Water Districts: Applications, Forms, Guides, and Rules
Rules governing Water Districts in Texas. Forms and publications to assist with creating and managing Water Districts.
On this page:
Submitting District Applications
Each application for a creation of a district, a conversion of a district, and/or a request for additional powers (including road powers) filed with the TCEQ will be required to include a list of each Senate District and House District in which the district is located (or proposed to be located). Additionally, documentation will be required to be provided demonstrating that the applicant and/or petitioner has also notified each Senator and Representative in whose respective Senate and/or House District the district is located (or proposed to be located) of their filing of one of the aforementioned applications. Failure to do so may cause delays in the application being declared administratively complete.
HOT Application Submittal Process
TCEQ is encouraging districts to submit applications to the Districts Section electronically. The TCEQ will continue accepting physical copies of applications if electronic submittals are not possible.
Submitting Electronic Files
Some electronic submittals require large files. Although most engineering firms have a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site, we are requesting that you use TCEQ’s FTP site. Please submit the file(s) with some standard bookmarking. The engineering report, attachments, and contract documents should be submitted as separate PDF documents. Each section of the engineering report, each attachment, and each section of the contract documents should be bookmarked in the PDF documents for easy accessibility.
You can for access to and information about our FTP site, which includes information on how to create a free account.
Applications should include:
- Cover letter;
- The ePay prof of payment;
- Expedited review form, as necessary;
- The board resolution; and
- Standard application requirements;
Application documents should be uploaded to the FTP site and shared with District_Apps@tceq.texas.gov. Please do not include copies of checks in the documents uploaded to the FTP site.
The FTP site will allow you to edit the response message. Please include in the message, the district’s name, type of application (bond, surplus, etc.), the amount of the request, as applicable, and the contact information for the person submitting the application. Please ensure that your documents are labeled appropriately with the name of the district and the nature of the document.
Please be aware for some submittals staff may need to request physical copies of certain documentation. If warranted, staff will work with the applicant to determine an acceptable means of having the files delivered.
Physical Submittals
If applications must be physically delivered, ePay is the recommended form of payment for all applications. Applications should be addressed and mailed as follows:
District’s Section, Building F
12100 Park 35 Circle
Austin, TX 78753
Applications may be hand-delivered but must be delivered to the Building A Security Desk. Please address them in the same manner as above.
For questions on the application submittal process please email PlanDist@tceq.texas.gov
Requesting an Expedited Review
Requirements for an Expedited Review for a Creation of Municipal Utility District Application (TCEQ-20380)
Checklist designed to ensure a 120-day expedited review of an application to create a Municipal Utility District. -
Requirements for an Expedited Review of an Escrow Release Application (TCEQ-20381)
Submit this form to request a 60-day expedited review. -
Requirements for an Expedited Review of a Surplus Funds Application (TCEQ-20382)
Submit this form to request a 60-day expedited review. -
Expedited Review - Non-Developer Projects (TCEQ-20165)
Certificate justifying 45-day expedited review -
Expedited Review - Developer Projects (TCEQ-20166)
Certificate justifying 60-day expedited review
Resources for Districts
- Texas Water Districts
List of districts, responsible parties, addresses, customers, properties, functions, and activities - Water District Database (WDD)
Registration Form for Board Members of Water Districts and Authorities in Texas (TCEQ-0179)
Submit this form within 30 days after election or appointment of board members or authorities. - Qualifications Chart for District Directors
Financial Forms, Guides, and Reporting Requirements
If you don't see the publication you are looking for, see our TCEQ Publications Catalog.
- Texas Water Districts: A General Guide (GI-043)
- Distritos de Agua de Texas: Una Guía General (GI-043-esp)
- Water District Financial Management Guide (RG-080)
- Financial Reporting Requirements for Districts and River Authorities (RG-378)
- Developer's Bond Application Report Format (RG-178)
- District Funding of Leased Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants (RG-488)
- Construction of Facilities: Timely Approvals (RG-489)
- Directives for Districts to Escrow or to Not Expend Funds (RG-490)
- Purchase of Facilities by a District (RG-491)
- District Funding of Excavation Costs (RG-492)
- Water District Signs (RG-552)
Financial Dormancy and Filing Affidavit (TCEQ-00447)
File with the Commission by January 31st before each year in which a district is dormant. - Annual Financial Report (TCEQ-0722)
- Annual Filing Affidavit (TCEQ-00723)
Rules Governing Water Districts
The following rules related to Water Districts are a part of Title 30, Texas Administrative Code.
- Chapter 290 : Public Drinking Water
- Chapter 292 : River Authorities
- Chapter 293 : Water Districts
- Chapter 293, Subchapter B : Creation of Water Districts
Texas Open Data Portal
TCEQ provides easily accessible Texas Water District data to the public and to regional water planning groups on the Texas Open Data Portal . Find information on municipal utility districts, special utility districts, river authorities, water systems, water control and improvement districts, and other information. Districts include their business contact, office address, and associated county.
Contact Water Districts Staff
Contact TCEQ Water Districts Staff