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Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program

TCEQ has received an EPA grant for statewide planning to reduce climate pollution as part of the CPRG program.

Under this grant, TCEQ is developing two plans—a priority action plan and a comprehensive action plan. These plans will include an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions for Texas and ways to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases together.

About the Program

The CPRG program is an EPA program created as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. The CPRG program consists of two phases. As part of Phase I, Texas has received grant funding to develop a plan to reduce greenhouse gases within the state. Six Texas metropolitan areas have also received Phase I grants.

Texas will be able to apply for competitive implementation grants in Phase II. More information can be found on the EPA’s CPRG webpage.

Priority Action Plan New

On March 1, 2024, Texas submitted its Priority Action Plan to EPA. This plan is the first deliverable under the CPRG Phase I Planning Grant. Texas’ plan focuses on incentivized, voluntary measures with co-pollutant reductions from the three largest greenhouse gas emitting sectors in Texas: industry, transportation, and electric power.

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Open Surveys New

Past Surveys

  • Survey of emission reduction ideas for the Priority Action Plan closed 1/12/2024

Upcoming Meetings

Next meeting not scheduled

Past Meetings

December 7, 2023 Stakeholder Meeting at TCEQ Headquarters

January 25, 2024 Stakeholder Meeting (hybrid)

Key Dates

  • July 3, 2023: TCEQ workplan approved and planning grant awarded by EPA.
  • September 2023: EPA will announce final details for the Implementation Grants phase.
  • March 1, 2024: Priority action plan due to EPA.
  • April 1, 2024: Implementation Grants applications due to EPA.
  • October 2024: Expected start date for Implementation Grant award.
  • July 2025: Comprehensive action plan due to EPA.
  • July 31, 2027: Status report due to EPA.

Program Documents

TCEQ Workplan

We submitted a plan to EPA outlining the steps we will take to fulfill the grant.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

Initial plans will use the greenhouse gas emissions inventory developed by EPA. More information on greenhouse gas emissions can be found on EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals webpage.

Quality Assurance Project Plan

The quality assurance project plan details the requirements and activities that will be implemented to ensure reliable quantification of greenhouse gas emissions and emissions reductions.