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Questions or Comments:

Agenda Meetings and Work Sessions

Links to both past and future Commission agendas and work sessions.

The TCEQ commissioners cannot conduct agency business together except according to law.*

Agenda Meetings: These meetings are formal, legal proceedings.* The commissioners primarily consider (but are not limited to) live presentations made during the meeting and briefs filed in advance. The commissioners may consider all items for which proper notice was given.

Work Sessions: These meetings are also legal proceedings.* The commissioners primarily consider (but are not limited to) overall agency direction and policy, legislative updates, and various staff reports. Also, there may be a “public comment” item included on a work-session agenda to receive comments from the public on matters within the jurisdiction of the TCEQ (with the exception of pending permitting matters or other potentially contested cases that may be subject to the ex parte prohibition found in Section 2001.061 of the Government Code

* Agenda meetings and work sessions are conducted in accordance with Section 551.102 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code