Air Grants: Funding Opportunities
Grants, rebates, and other financial incentives for vehicles, equipment, technology, and alternative fuel infrastructure.
Vehicles, Equipment, and New Technologies
- Grants to replace or upgrade vehicles and equipment, and funding for new technologies
- Buses, cargo equipment, locomotives, marine vessels, trucks, heavy-duty vehicles
- Refueling and recharging infrastructure for alternative fuels
- State-funded program
Vehicles, Equipment, and Alternative-Fuel Chargers
Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program
- Grants to replace or upgrade older vehicles and equipment
- Buses, cargo equipment, locomotives, marine vessels, trucks, airport ground support equipment
- Refueling and recharging infrastructure for alternative fuels
- State-funded program
Plugging Oil and Gas Wells
Texas Voluntary Marginal Conventional Well Plugging Program
- Grants for owners and operators of marginal conventional wells
- Plug and abandon low-producing conventional oil and gas wells
- Federally funded program