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Dallas–Fort Worth Ozone SIP Modeling (1999 Episode)

Air quality modeling files for the Dallas–Fort Worth area ozone SIP revision.

Meteorological and photochemical modeling is conducted to support the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for controlling ozone pollution in the Dallas–Fort Worth area. The modeling data files and related documents posted on this page document previous work with the 1999 episode for the 1997 eight-hour ozone standard. Information on DFW SIP revisions, rules, and other documents is available at Dallas–Fort Worth ozone nonattainment area.

If you have any questions regarding these files, please send an e-mail to with “DFW Ozone SIP Modeling 1999 Episode Files” in the subject line.

Modeling Documents

The following modeling documents were created by Environ under TCEQ contract. They address the development of photochemical modeling for eight-hour ozone attainment in the DFW Area. All documents are PDF files.

Ozone Impacts in DFW from Revised Emission Controls in the 2009 Future Year August 31, 2007
DFW Revised Minor Source Controls June 22, 2006
DFW EGU Controls June 22, 2006
DFW 2009 Ozone Sensitivity Tests with Combined Reductions June 5, 2006
DFW 2009 Baseline APCA Results May 23, 2006
DFW Ozone Sensitivity Tests with NCTCOG-Proposed High-End and Low-End Controls March 15 , 2006
Ozone Sensitivity Test with DFW Major Source and DFW EGU Controls March 15 , 2006
Dallas/Fort Worth 2009 East Texas Engine Sensitivity Tests March 6 , 2006
Dallas/Fort Worth 2009 Midlothian Cement Kiln Sensitivity Tests Feb. 22, 2006
CAMx Results from Two Texas EGU Scenarios Dec. 16, 2005
Dallas/Fort Worth Future Case Control Requirement Assessment Oct. 11, 2005
Dallas/Fort Worth CAMx Modeling: Improved Model Performance And Transport Assessment (Harc Project H35, Phase 2)
Appendix A and B (zip files)
Aug. 31, 2005
Accounting for the Impacts of Variable Cement Kiln Emission Rates on Ozone Formation in the Dallas/Fort-Worth Area Aug. 31, 2005
1999 Base Case Ozone Modeling (Revised) Sep. 30, 2004
2010 Future Year Ozone Modeling Aug. 31, 2004
2007 Future Year Ozone Modeling Aug. 25, 2004
1999 Base Case Ozone Modeling Aug. 31, 2003
Meteorological Modeling (Interim Draft) June 30, 2003
Modeling Protocol June 3, 2003
Conceptual Model of Ozone Formation in DFW Area Oct. 16, 2002

Periodic Emissions Inventory

The TCEQ submits a periodic emissions inventory to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as required by the federal Consolidated Emissions Reporting Rule. The PEI addresses four major areas of anthropogenic emission sources: major industrial point sources, area sources, on-road mobile sources, and nonroad mobile sources. In addition, biogenic sources are included.

The PEI data provided here are all in PDF files unless otherwise specified.

2005 PEI Data

The 2005 PEI was submitted to the EPA in June 2007. The data tables presented here represent the PEI for the DFW nine-county ozone nonattainment area. The 2005 PEI represents the complete emissions inventory for 2005 but may be amended as updates are developed.

Summary of DFW 2005 Point, Area, Nonroad Mobile, and On-Road Mobile Sources EI Data Sept. 7, 2007
Texas 2005 Point Sources EI Data (Summary by Counties) Sept. 7, 2007
DFW 2005 On-Road Mobile Sources EI Data Sept. 7, 2007
DFW 2005 Area Sources EI Data Sept. 7, 2007
DFW 2005 Nonroad Mobile Sources EI Data Sept. 7, 2007
Report: Texas 2005 Periodic Emissions Inventory of Area and Nonroad Mobile Sources Sept. 7, 2007

2007 PEI Data

The future-year 2007 emissions inventory was developed for major industrial point sources, area sources, nonroad mobile sources, and on-road mobile sources. Each of these areas makes use of specific and appropriate methodologies for projecting emissions to 2007.

Both growth and controls were applied to the 2002 point source emissions in order to project these emissions to 2007. Point source growth was accounted for through Texas Industrial Production Index—Economic Growth Analysis System growth factors and the addition of power plants newly subject to permit. Controls were applied to power-plant boilers, industrial boilers, and large stationary internal-combustion engines per TCEQ Rules relating to Ch. 117 and SB 7 (76th Legislative Session).

Area source emissions were projected to 2007 by applying to the 2002 PEI the individual source-specific growth factors from the EPA-approved EGAS.

The nonroad mobile model was used to generate the 2007 nonroad mobile emissions. Inputs to the models include the effects of future proposed activities and rules expected to be in place by 2007.

On-road mobile emissions were developed by projecting vehicle miles of travel to 2007 using data from the federal Highway Performance Monitoring System. The current version of the mobile model was used to calculate the 2007 emissions.

Summary of DFW 2007 Point, Area, Nonroad Mobile, and On-Road Mobile Sources EI Data Sept. 29, 2004
DFW 2007 Point Sources EI Data—Summary Sept. 30, 2004
DFW 2007 Area Sources EI Data Sept. 29, 2004
DFW 2007 Nonroad Mobile Sources EI Data Sept. 29, 2004
DFW 2007 On-Road Mobile Sources EI Data—Summary Sept. 29, 2004