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Houston-Galveston-Brazoria 1-Hour Ozone SIP Mid-Course Review Modeling (2000 Episode)

Air quality modeling data files and documents for the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria 1-hour ozone SIP mid-course review (2000 episode).

Meteorological and photochemical modeling is conducted to support the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for controlling ozone pollution in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) ozone non-attainment area. This page provides the modeling data files and related documents for Phase II of the Mid-Course Review of the ozone SIP in the HGB area.

If you have any question regarding these files, please send an email to with “HGB Ozone SIP MCR 2000 Episode Modeling Files” in the subject line.

Modeling Protocol

This protocol details procedures the TCEQ used to model ozone in the HGB area using an approved photochemical modeling for Phase II of the ozone SIP MCR as discussed in the December 2002 SIP revision. This modeling will be included in a SIP revision submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in April 2004. The modeling will incorporate extending the 2000 episode to further represent the most prevalent meteorological conditions associated with the formation of unhealthy levels of ozone in the region. The modeling included the extended 2000 episode to further represent the most prevalent meteorological conditions associated with the formation of unhealthy levels of ozone in the region. The modeling incorporated refinements of data collected during the 2000 Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS 2000) and additional scientific advancements. The protocol document includes the main text and three appendixes as PDF files.

Main Text Protocol for Ozone Modeling of the Houston/Galveston/Brazoria Area
Appendix A Conceptual Model for Ozone Formation in the Houston/Galveston Area
Appendix B Meteorological and Ozone Characteristics in the Houston Area from August 23 through September 1, 2000
Appendix C Photochemical Modeling QA/QC Plan

Photochemical Modeling Files

CAMx Modeling Domain—map projection, horizontal grid and vertical layer structures.

Observed Air Quality Data (MS Excel file) —O3, NO, NO2, CO, and VOC data from monitoring sites in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria and Beaumont–Port Arthur areas on Aug. 18–Sept. 6, 2000.

CAMx Modeling of Aug. 22–Sept. 6, 2000 HGB Ozone Episode

  • Base Case: base5b.psito2n2
  • 2007 control case: fy07o.cs08

Meteorological Modeling Files

MM5 Modeling Domain—map projection, horizontal grid and vertical layer structures.

TAMU MM5 Modeling of Aug. 22-Sept. 1, 2000—The Texas A&M University (TAMU) was contracted by TCEQ to conduct MM5 modeling of Aug. 22-Sept. 1, 2000 Houston-Galveston ozone episode. Three reports of the final preparation of MM5 modeling (Feb. 28, 2002), evaluation of preliminary MM5 modeling (Feb. 5, 2002), and initial MM5 modeling (Dec. 19, 2001) are available as PDF files.

ATMET MM5 Modeling of Aug. 18-Sept. 6, 2000—Environ International Co. and ATMET, LLC (Environ's subcontractor), under a contract with the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) and the TCEQ, conducted MM5 modeling of this extended episode.