Air Quality Successes - Texas Compared to Other StatesTexas’ air quality has made huge strides in the past few decades. The state has devoted significant resources for research to advance the science and find innovative ways to improve air quality.
Air Quality Successes - Texas Compared to Other States
Texas’ air quality has made huge strides in the past few decades. The state has devoted significant resources for research to advance the science and find innovative ways to improve air quality.
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Ozone Trends
Texas showed a 32% decrease in ozone, the 10th largest decrease in the United States.
All other states averaged a decrease of 19%.
The eastern half of the US, plus Texas and California, had the largest decreases in ozone while the western US saw less of a decrease and even an increase in some states.
Values are based on the three-year average of the maximum fourth-highest eight-hour ozone concentration from all monitors operating within each state.
5 Largest Metro Areas
Texas has two of the most populous combined statistical areas (CBSAs) in the US.
Ozone Concentrations
The fourth-highest eight-hour ozone concentrations for the Houston and Los Angeles CSA’s have trended lower from 2000 to 2020.
However, the fourth-highest ozone in Houston is decreasing at a faster rate of 36% compared to California, which has seen a 2% increase from 2000 through 2020.
In 2020, the fourth-highest ozone value was 50 ppb higher in Los Angeles than in Houston.
Houston’s air quality in 2023 was either good (green) or moderate (yellow) 84% of the time while Los Angeles had good or moderate air quality 76% of the time.
NOX Emissions per Capita
Of the 20 states with the highest fossil-fuel fired power plant NOX emissions, Texas ranks 8th lowest in emissions per capita.
Though Texas has the 2nd highest population among all states, emissions per person are low.
Emissions and generation data from the EPA Clean Air Markets for calendar year 2019.
Data current as of 07/11/2021
SO2 Emissions per Capita
Of the 20 states with the highest fossil-fuel fired power plant SO2 emissions, Texas ranks 10th lowest in emissions per capita.
Though Texas has the 2nd highest population among all states, emissions per person are low.
Emissions and generation data from EPA Clean Air Markets for calendar year 2020.