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Transportation-Control-Measure Substitution for Dallas–Fort Worth

A state rule for a control measure originally adopted in the April 2000 State Implementation Plan revision for Dallas–Fort Worth.

On January 14, 2004, the TCEQ approved the substitution of certain transportation control measures that were originally adopted in the April 2000 Revision to the State Implementation Plan: Dallas-Fort Worth Attainment Demonstration (see Appendix G).

Substitution Process

Adoption Date: 01/14/2004
Key Changes:

As provided by state rule, the TCEQ and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (the transportation-planning organization for the Dallas–Fort Worth area) initiated a process that included:

  • a work group to consider each measure and
  • a public hearing on October 29, 2003 that followed a 30-day public comment period. (No comments were received.)

The U.S. EPA concurred with the substitutions on November 20, 2003 .

Federal Register Notice: Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans for Texas: TCM Rule (67 FR 72379)

Documentation regarding each measure is available from the North Central Texas Council of Governments .

Chris Klaus

North Central Texas Council of Governments, Transportation Department

Phone: 817-695-9286
