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Beaumont-Port Arthur: Contacts and SIP-Related Links

How to contact the TCEQ, contact local planning groups, and access other helpful links.

Learn more about the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) and contact the TCEQ

TCEQ SIP Contacts

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Designated Air Quality Planning Groups

South East Texas Regional Planning Commission
Air Quality Advisory Committee
Bob Dickinson
Phone: 409-899-8444, ext. 7520
The Air Quality Advisory Committee of the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission represents the general public, large industrial sources of emissions, small regulated businesses, environmental interests, and economic development interests. An elected official from each nonattainment county serves on the board. TCEQ staff is involved as ex officio members, whose main roles are disseminating information and technical assistance. The aim of this committee is to inform citizens about the immediate and long-range air quality concerns that face Southeast Texas, advise elected public officials and citizens about federal clean air legislation, help identify air quality problems that affect economic growth and develop solutions, recommend public programs regarding existing and proposed federal clean air legislation, and work with the TCEQ to develop air quality plans for Southeast Texas.

Southeast Texas Photochemical Modeling Technical Committee
The Southeast Texas Photochemical Modeling Technical Committee (SET PMTC) was a former advisory group that assisted the TCEQ with technical and scientific issues related to air quality modeling and analysis in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria and Beaumont-Port Arthur areas. SET PMTC meetings were held from 2004 to 2019. Air quality modeling, data analysis, research, and agency planning efforts are now presented through the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Air Quality Technical Information Meeting.