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San Antonio: Contacts and SIP-Related Links

How to contact the TCEQ, contact local planning groups, and access other helpful links.

Learn more about the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) and contact the TCEQ

TCEQ SIP Contacts

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Designated Air Quality Planning Groups

Alamo Area Council of Governments
Clifford Herberg Jr., Executive Director
8700 Tesoro Drive, Suite 700, San Antonio, TX 78217
Phone: 210-362-5295

Lyle Hufstetler, Natural Resources Project Coordinator
Phone: 210-362-5225

Air Improvement Resources (AIR) Committees 
The AIR Committees represent different sectors of the community and its staff conduct technical projects that provide the data analysis necessary for air quality planning.

  • AIR Executive Committee
    Local elected officials representing the counties and largest cities of the San Antonio Metropolitan Statistical Area who strive to improve air quality in the region. These officials direct research to develop air quality strategies, and can create legislation within their local jurisdictions in order to implement region-wide strategies. The AIR Executive Committee is supported by the AIR Advisory Committee, the AIR Technical Committee, and the AIR Public Education Committee.
  • AIR Advisory Committee
    This committee is made up of local civic and business leaders interested in air quality improvements within the region.
  • AIR Technical Committee
    Technical staff from the various governmental and private agencies knowledgeable about air quality issues. Its mission is to study the technical and scientific aspects of local air quality problems. The AIR Technical committee works closely with the TCEQ and the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide the technical expertise necessary to assist the AIR Executive Committee in making air quality planning and policy choices.
  • AIR Public Education Committee
    Staff charged with disseminating information about the ozone challenge through the news media and public events. Its mission is to educate the public about local air quality problems and issues. The Public Education Committee makes recommendations to the AIR Executive and Advisory Committees on ways to increase media coverage of air quality issues and the spreading of air quality information to the public. The AIR Public Education Cmmittee is also responsible for annual events, such as a kickoff event to ozone season, and provides many other public education and air quality services.

San Antonio Air Quality Technical Information Meeting
Meetings are held to present technical and scientific information related to air quality modeling and analysis to inform stakeholders of information relevant to SIP development for the San Antonio ozone nonattainment area.