Controlling Particulate Matter Pollution
Rules in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 111 that are part of the State Implementation Plan strategy to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter (PM).
Areas Affected
The rules apply statewide.
Rule Citation
30 TAC Chapter 111, Subchapter A
Description of Rules
- Control requirements apply to:
- visible emissions such as smoke and dust ;
- emissions from solid waste incinerators ;
- emissions from material handling, construction, and roadways in certain geographical areas;
- emissions from nonagricultural processes ;
- emissions from agricultural processes ; and
- emissions from some portable or transient operations.
- Include monitoring, testing, and recordkeeping requirements for affected sources.
- Not all of the rules in Chapter 111, Subchapter A are part of the State Implementation Plan strategy to meet the national PM standard. The rules also:
- limit emissions from burning hazardous waste ;
- contain testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and operating requirements for incinerators; and
- limit emissions from abrasive blasting of water-storage tanks.
Rule History
The Chapter 111 rule history discusses revisions to the rules, including their proposal and adoption, the associated State Implementation Plan revision, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval.
Compliance Resources
- The Decision Support System can help you determine if you are subject to the Chapter 111 rules for:
- TexasEnviroHelp: Small Business and Local Government Assistance
- EPA Test Methods
- EPA Test Method 9 for visually determining the opacity of emissions from stationary sources
- EPA Test Method 22 for visually determining fugitive emissions from material sources and smoke emissions from flares
- EPA SW-846: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods
Related Information
- State Implementation Plan: Air Pollution from Particulate Matter
- Air Permits and Registrations
- Tax Relief for Pollution Control Property
- Point Source Emissions Inventory
Contact Information
- Contact the Stationary Source Programs Team for additional information about stationary source rules.
- Sign up to receive e-mail updates on SIP-related information, including information on stationary source rules. Select SIP Hot Topics under the Air Quality heading.