Stakeholder Group: Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds
The HRVOC Stakeholder Group is an open-participation group that meets periodically to discuss issues related to the HRVOC rules in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 115 and HRVOC Cap and Trade Program rules in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 101.
About the HRVOC Stakeholder Group
The HRVOC Stakeholder Group is open to the public; therefore, anyone who is interested in the HRVOC rules may attend and participate in the meetings.
The goal of the group is to seek stakeholder input on issues related to the HRVOC rules in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 115 and the HRVOC Emissions Cap and Trade (HECT) Program rules in Chapter 101.
The group meets periodically to discuss the implementation of the HRVOC rules and to hear the public’s ideas on related rulemaking projects and the development of the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria area state implementation plan.
Schedule of Future Meetings
No meetings are scheduled at this time.
Minutes and Agendas of Past Meetings
Past meeting agendas, minutes, and presentations may be requested by emailing with 'Past HRVOC Stakeholder Meeting Info' in the subject line.
The HRVOC Stakeholder Group is an open participation group; therefore anyone who wishes to join the group may attend the meetings. The HRVOC Stakeholder Group member list will be updated periodically.
Related Information
- Related research studies:
- Cost Analysis of HRVOC Controls on Polymer Plants and Flares
- Cost Analysis of HRVOC Controls on Refineries and Chemical Plants and Control of HRVOC Emissions in Flares at Low Flow Conditions
- How Chemical Manufacturing and Petroleum Refining Facilities in Harris County are Using Point Source Monitoring to Identify and Reduce HRVOC Emissions (HARC Project H76)
Contact Information
- For more information, or to suggest topics for future meetings, please call the Stationary Source Programs Team or send an e-mail to with "HRVOC Stakeholder Group" in the subject line.
- Sign up to receive e-mail updates on SIP-related information, including information on the HRVOC Stakeholder Group. Select SIP Hot Topics under the Air Quality heading.