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Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Cap and Trade Program

The HECT Program is a market-based cap-and-trade program that implements an annual HRVOC emission cap for applicable facilities in Harris County.


Program participants are required to use allowances to cover HRVOC emissions on an annual basis. The allowances available for use each year are capped at a level necessary to attain the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone. Affected sites are required to participate.

For more information, including applicability requirements, refer to 30 TAC Chapter 101, Subchapter H, Division 6 Chapter 115, Subchapter H, Division 1 (Vent Gas Control) and Chapter 115 Subchapter H, Division 2 (Cooling Tower Heat Exchange Systems) .

Featured Items

HECT Tools

Annual Report Checklists

The following checklists were developed to help sites that are subject to the HECT Program to prepare and submit supporting documentation for Annual Compliance Reporting. The checklists are highly recommended to help ensure all supporting documentation is provided. Checklists may be submitted as an attachment to your Annual Report through STEERS.

  • Annual Report Checklist for Cooling Towers in PDF or Word
  • Annual Report Checklist for Flares in PDF or Word
  • Annual Report Checklist for Vents in PDF or Word


Starting January 1, 2025 all EBT forms must be submitted through the State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS).

Supplemental Documents

  • HECT CMS Certification PDF or Word
    This document must be submitted as supporting documentation for sites with units for which Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMS) data is used to quantify annual emissions. Submit this from as an attachment to your Annual Report through STEERS.
  • HECT Accredited Laboratory Certification PDF or Word
    This document must be submitted as supporting documentation to confirm that any lab sample used to determine annual emissions was analyzed by an accredited laboratory. Submit this form as an attachment to your Annual Report through STEERS.

Audits and Summary Reports

  • 2022 HECT Program Audit - Evaluates the impact of the program on the state’s ozone attainment demonstration, availability and cost of allowances, and compliance by participants.
  • Trade Report - List of approved allowance trades.
  • Summary Reports - Annual summary of allowance allocations, emissions, compliance penalties, and transfers.

HECT Reallocation

In accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code Section 101.394(a)(1)(B), a 10% reduction from the existing HRVOC emission cap of 3,451.5 tons will begin with the 2014 calendar-year control period. The HRVOC emission cap will then be reduced in 5% increments at the start of each calendar-year control period for 2015, 2016, and 2017 for an overall 25% reduction. The final HRVOC emission cap is set at 2,588.6 tons for 2017 and all subsequent control periods.

The preliminary HRVOC allowance allocations for the 2014 and beyond control periods were revised because PL Propylene, Kaneka Pasadena, and ExxonMobil Chemical Baytown Chemical Plant were not in the appropriate industry sector. The TCEQ notified these companies, verified that all other sites were in the appropriate industry sector, and revised the HRVOC allowance allocations accordingly.

The final HRVOC allowance allocations for the 2014 and beyond control periods for eligible sites are now available. The TCEQ will begin updating the banking database on October 25, 2013, to ensure that the HRVOC allowance allocations are in the account for each eligible site by November 15, 2013.
