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Emissions Banking and Trading Programs

The EBT programs consist of three cap-and-trade programs and two credit generating programs. These programs provide participants compliance flexibility in meeting air regulations while reducing emissions in Texas.


  • Emission Credit Program
    This program provides a method to generate credit by creating permanent emission reductions in nonattainment areas throughout Texas.
  • Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program
    This market-based cap-and-trade program implements an annual nitrogen oxides emission cap for affected facilities in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria ozone nonattainment area.

Featured Items

  • NEW Portfolio Request Form: Use this form to request a new EBT account (i.e., portfolio) due to a site ownership change or for a new site or broker that will participate in the EBT Programs.
  • The EBT Program has released new and updated resources to streamline the completion of Mass Emissions Cap and Trade (MECT) and Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compound (HECT) Annual Reports. Visit the MECT and HECT webpages for more information.

  • Pre-Application Meetings: The EBT team offers Pre-Application meetings for anyone who is interested in generating Emission Reduction Credits (ERC), Discrete Emission Reduction Credits (DERC), or Mobile Source Credits. To request a Pre-Application meeting with EBT, please send an email to and include the words “Pre-Application Meeting” in the subject line.

  • The following applications must be submitted electronically through the State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS). For assistance with the STEERS, contact EBT Staff. The EBT Program will no longer accept paper applications for these projects.
    • Annual Compliance Reports for the MECT, HECT, and EBTA Programs
    • Annual Compliance Report Waiver
    • Current or vintage trades for the MECT, HECT, and EBTA Programs
    • ERC and DERC generation
    • ERC and DERC trades
    • Notice of ERC Intent to Use
    • Authorized Account Representative (AAR) registration
    • Legal Name Change
