Emission Reduction Credit Program
The Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) program provides a method to generate credit by creating permanent emission reductions in nonattainment areas throughout the State of Texas.
The ERC program allows participants to generate credits by creating permanent emission reductions from stationary, area, and mobile sources in nonattainment areas. Reductions generated from stationary and area sources are known as ERCs while reductions from mobile sources are known as Mobile ERCs (MERCs). This program encourages emission reductions and provides participants flexibility in complying with various federal and state air regulations. Participation is completely voluntary.
Program rules are listed under 30 TAC Chapter 101, Subchapter H, Division 1 .
Featured Items
- The EBT team offers Pre-Application meetings for anyone who is interested in generating credits. To request a Pre-Application meeting with EBT, please send an email to ebt@tceq.texas.gov and include the words “Pre-Application Meeting” in the subject line.
- State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS) - Submit credit generation applications, notice of intent to use forms, and trades online.
- Area and Mobile Source Potential Emissions - See the amount of area and mobile source emissions available for credit generation applications.
- Credit and Allowance Registry - Search for sites, companies, projects, portfolios, certificates, etc.
- Available Emission Credits - ERC and MERC currently available in the registry.
- Credit and Allowance Exchange - Current listing of requests to buy and sell credits and allowances.
ERC Generation Application Tools
- ERC Generation Workbook
This interactive workbook is a tool available for point and area source ERC Generation projects to streamline the review process. As you answer questions in the workbook, data fields adjust so that you can only see sections that are applicable to your project.
All ERC Generation Applications must include the ERC Generation General Workbook. Applications with the workbook attached must be submitted through STEERS.
The workbook is assigned versions (the number before the decimal) and patches (the number after the decimal). New versions will be posted when something major has changed and the application materials would be inaccurate without the update. Patches will be posted for minor updates. When submitting your workbook, you can submit any workbook with the most recent version number, even if there are subsequent patch numbers.
Please note, the workbook is compatible with Excel 2016 and newer and you can create a free Microsoft account .
ERC Generation General Workbook
Version 2.0, 5/7/2024 – Please send all feedback or questions to ebt@tceq.texas.gov
Tips for Completing the ERC Generation General Workbook
ERC Generation General Workbook Videos
The links below point to the TCEQ YouTube Channel.
- Module 1: Overview and Accessing the ERC Workbook
- Module 2: ERC Workbook Cover Sheet
- Module 3: ERC Workbook General Sheet
- Module 4: Facility Information Sheet
- Module 5: Emission Supporting Documents Sheet
- Module 6: Permitting Sheet
- Module 7: Regulations Sheet
- Module 8: VOC Speciation Sheet
- Module 9: Representative Site Analysis Sheet
- Guidance on the Records Needed to Support Emissions Estimation for Area and Mobile Sources to Generate Emission Credits, September 2017
- Locomotive Activity Rates
- Marine Engine Service Life
- Operational Life for On-Road and Non-Road Mobile Sources
- Useful Life for Trucks that are both Combination Short-Haul and Long-Haul
- Inelastic Area Source Categories
- Guidance on Petitions to Change the List of Inelastic Area Sources for the Purpose of Generating Emissions Credits, September 2017
- Guidance on the Inter-Area Use of Credits for Nonattainment New Source Review Permit Offset Requirements, January 2017
Starting January 1, 2025 all EBT forms must be submitted through the State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS).
Audits and Summary Reports
- Generation Report - Includes the generator of the credits, amount generated, area of generation, pollutant type, credit expiration date, and associated project number.
- Use Report - Includes the user of the credits, amount used, area of use, pollutant type, and associated project number.
- Trade Report - List of recent emission credit transfers.