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Aboveground Storage Tanks

Find out if your aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) are regulated, what rules they must meet, what to do when installing an AST, how to handle skid tanks, and about crude oil storage.

How ASTs are Regulated

ASTs containing petroleum products are regulated in Texas, with some exceptions.

Find AST exemptions and AST exclusions in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Chapter 334.

If your PST system is in Kinney, Uvalde, Medina, Bexar, Comal, Hays, Travis, or Williamson County, other requirements related to protecting the Edwards or Trinity Aquifer may apply. Any activity must be approved before it is conducted. For more information, see our Edwards Aquifer Protection Program webpage.

ASTs and Underground Storage Tank Regulations

Some regulated ASTs connect to underground pipes. If ten percent or more of the total volume of the tank(s) and connecting piping is underground, those ASTs are regulated as a UST system. Most ASTs, however, fall under a separate set of rules in 30 TAC Chapter 334, Subchapter F .

Installing a New or Replacement AST

Unless your AST is excluded or exempt, notify us at least 30 days before you plan to install it by sending a construction notification form (TCEQ-00495) to the appropriate TCEQ regional office. Then call that regional office between 24 and 72 hours before work begins to report the time you will begin installation.

Even if your AST is excluded or exempt from state rules, your city or county may have other requirements for installing an AST at your site. We recommend calling your local fire marshal , too.

Receiving Fuel Deliveries

All ASTs must have an active TCEQ registration to receive motor fuel deliveries.

If you are installing a new or replacement AST, the acknowledgement letter you receive in response to your construction notification will act as a temporary delivery authorization. Your registration certificate will replace the temporary authorization.

Skid Tanks

They must meet the same regulations as other ASTs. Make sure to register them with us and label them with the PST ID number we give you. To register, do the following as appropriate:

  • Complete and send in a new construction notification form each time you move a tank to a new location.
  • Register tanks at a primary business location.

Keep records of each tank’s location, status, and the type of petroleum product stored to show they meet rule requirements.

Crude Oil Storage

Our PST rules do not regulate storage of crude oil in ASTs, but we have other permitting, reporting, and spill requirements that may apply.

  • Oil and Gas Activities – information for oil and gas activities that fall under our authority, including air quality, surface water management, water quality, and waste management.

More information

See the following resources for more on PST rules and requirements:

TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to follow state environmental regulations. Call us at (800) 447-2827 or visit our webpage at