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Installing, Updating, or Removing Petroleum Storage Tanks

What to do when preparing to install, update, or remove a petroleum storage tank (PST); how to find a licensed contractor; and when to notify us.

Review Your Requirements

For help understanding the rule requirements for installing or removing underground storage tanks (USTs) and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), see the following guides:

For full rule requirements, see Subchapters C and F of Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 334 (30 TAC 334).

Hire a Licensed Contractor

UST contractors and on-site supervisors with Class A/B combination licenses can install, repair, or remove UST systems.

On-site supervisors with Class A licenses can install and repair UST systems, while Class B licenses can only remove UST systems.

A person who helps install, repair, or remove a UST system under the direct, on-site supervision of a licensed on-site supervisor does not need a license.

The following activities do not require a license:

  • Initial abatement of a release or emergency actions to stop leaks or ruptures.
  • Work on a system that is exempt, completely excluded, partially excluded, or not regulated under 30 TAC Chapter 334.
  • Changing dispenser filters or replacing nozzles, hoses, or breakaways.

More information about UST contractor and on-site supervisor licensing:

Tell Us Your Plans

Send a completed AST and UST Construction Notification (TCEQ form 0495) at least 30 days before any construction activity begins.

Construction activity includes:

  • Tank and pipe installations.
  • Removing USTs from the ground or permanently abandoning them in place.
  • Returning a UST to service.
  • Repairing, upgrading, or improving a UST system.
  • UST integrity assessments or any activity that requires a person to enter a UST.

Between 24 and 72 hours before work begins, call the regional office where the activity will occur—report the time you will begin installation or removal.

Get Help With Requirements

See the following resources for more on PST rules and requirements:

TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to follow state environmental regulations. Call us at (800) 447-2827 or visit our webpage at