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Find Contractors to Install or Remove Underground Storage Tanks

How to use the "Search Licensing or Registration Information" Web page to find contractors who are registered to install, repair, maintain, or remove petroleum storage tanks.

A Registered UST contractor is a company that has registered with the TCEQ to perform the installation, repair, modification, maintenance, and removal of UST systems. Our Compliance Support Division maintains a Web page that allows you to search for registered UST contractors. Here is how to use that Web page:

  1. Click “Group Search Criteria.”
  2. Ignore the dropdown box labeled “Program.”
  3. Under “Type and Level,” select “UST Contractor.”
  4. If you want to find only those contractors who are near your facility, use the “City,” “County,” or “TCEQ Region” dropdown box to focus on that geographic area. (ZIP code searches are not particularly helpful. They work only if you enter all five digits, and they give you a list of businesses whose address is in that ZIP code.)
  5. Leave the other dropdown boxes in the search form alone.
  6. At the bottom of the form, click “Search.”

If you’re ready, search now.

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