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Oil and Gas Amendment to the Stormwater Construction General Permit

January 2022- TCEQ issued an amendment to the 2018 Construction General Permit (CGP) to apply to certain non-exempt oil and gas construction activities.

This amendment is due to the  transfer of state and federal regulatory authority  to TCEQ for discharges associated with certain oil and gas activities, such as:

  • exploration
  • production
  • processing
  • treatment operations
  • transmission facilities

This amendment does not renew the permit or impact existing permittees authorized under TCEQ’s 2018 CGP.

If your oil and gas construction activities fall under the amended permit, your requirements depend on the size of your construction site:

  • Large sites: submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) or Low Rainfall Erosivity Waiver (LREW) in STEERS.
  • Small sites: meet the CGP requirements for small site operators; you do not need to submit an NOI or LREW.

Existing EPA permittees have until April 28, 2022 to meet the new requirements. New operators must comply with the amended CGP before starting construction activities.

For help with STEERS, see our  guide to creating a STEERS account  or YouTube tutorial video on how to setup a STEERS account . During setup, select Stormwater General Permits as your program area.

Find more resources on our Assistance Tools for Construction Stormwater webpage or read the amended  permit  and  fact sheet. For information about exempt and non-exempt oil and gas activities, visit EPA’s oil and gas stormwater webpage .

If you cannot submit your NOI or LREW online, contact the Stormwater Processing Center at (512) 239-3700 to discuss a waiver from electronic reporting. A separate waiver is required for each authorization.

For questions about the CGP amendment, contact Stormwater Permitting at (512) 239-4671. For questions about using STEERS, contact the Small Business and Local Government Assistance Program at (800) 447-2827.