Correcting Errors in a Compliance History Classification
Explains how to correct errors in a TCEQ compliance history classification
Only the TCEQ may correct an error in a compliance history classification. But anyone may bring an error to our attention and ask that it be corrected.
Correctable errors are clerical errors such as:
- Typographical errors (for example, a misspelled name).
- Filing errors (for example, an investigation that occurred during the five-year compliance period is missing from the report).
- Mathematical errors (for example, in calculating a rating).
- A factual error in a report, such as:
- An investigator's word of warning about a violation is called an “NOV”—notice of violation—in the compliance history report when in fact no written NOV was issued (an NOV must be issued in writing to be considered in the compliance history).
- An NOE—notice of enforcement—is listed as a written NOV in the compliance history report.
To point out a correctable error in a compliance history:
- Request a copy of the corresponding compliance history report.
- Find the error.
- Report the error to us in one of these ways:
- E-mail us at
- Call our Enforcement Division at 512/239-2545.
- Send a letter to:
Enforcement Division MC 219
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
- If requested, provide documentation that supports your position.
If we find that an error was made, we will correct the error. If the correction causes the rating or classification to change, we will post the new information to this Web site—that is, in the online lists and the Compliance History Database.
Yes, under the same rules that apply to appealing classifications.
There is none. We will correct an error in a compliance history whenever the error is brought to our attention.
See 30 TAC 60.3(f) .