Investigative Checklists for Water Quality and Availability
Criteria used by TCEQ investigators during site visits. Made available to the public as a courtesy so those investigated (routinely or due to a complaint) can know what the agency will look for.
Lists are in PDF files.
- PDW — Nitrate / Nitrite
- PDW — PWS Chemical Monitoring and Reporting
- PWS Complaint Investigation
- PWS Emergency Power Initiative
- PWS Focus Data Audit
- PWS Focused Investigation — Active and Inactive Water Systems Evaluation
- PWS Focused Investigation — Cross-Connection Program
- PWS Focused Investigation — Distribution Records and Evaluation
- PWS Modified CCI
- PWS Quality Review
- PWS Standard Field
- OPRR — RML Annual Groundwater Detection Monitoring Report
- Pesticides General Permit Recon
- WQ 217
- WQ Complaint Investigation
- WQ Domestic CCI — Interim
- WQ Domestic Focused CCI
- WQ Domestic or Industrial Wastewater Site Assessment Report
- WQ Focused Investigation — Interim — Lift Station Maintenance
- WQ Focused Investigation — Interim — WWTP Maintenance
- WQ Focused Investigation — Process Control of Domestic WWTP
- WQ Focused Investigation — Sampling Methods for Self-Reported Data
- WQ Focused Investigation — Sludge Management
- WQ General CCI
- WQ Industrial CCI
- WQ Industrial Focused CCI
- WQ In-House Laboratory Compliance Investigation
- WQ Land Application
- WQ Reclaimed Water
- WQ Subsurface-Area Drip-Dispersal Site Assessment
- WQD Wet Limit Violations
- OSSF Authorized Agent Compliance Review
- OSSF Complaint Investigation
- OSSF Installation — Aerobic Unit With Low Pressure Dosing
- OSSF Installation — Drip Irrigation System Investigation
- OSSF Installation — Evapotranspirative System Investigation
- OSSF Installation — Non-Standard System Investigation
- OSSF Installation — Septic Tank with LPD or Pumped Effluent Investigation
- OSSF Installation — Standard System Investigation
- OSSF Installation — Surface Irrigation Investigation
- AFO Only
- Field Citation Checklist
- JGSR Recon
- Stormwater CGP CCI
- Stormwater Construction Recon
- Stormwater Focused Investigation — Conditional No-Exposure
- Stormwater MSGP CCI
- Stormwater MSGP Reconnaissance Investigation
- Stormwater Phase I MS4 CCI
- Stormwater Phase II MS4 CCI
- Stormwater Phase II MS4 Focused Investigation
- Stormwater Small MS4 Reconnaissance Investigation