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SWSA Result Interpretation

Explains the meaning of high, medium, and low in the context of a source water susceptibility assessment.

The SWSA susceptibility ratings are divided into three divisions: “High,” “Medium,” and “Low.”

Question:  What does “High” mean?

Answer:  “High” susceptibility means there are activities near the source water and the natural conditions of the aquifer or watershed make it very likely that chemical constituents may come into contact with the source water. It does not mean that there are any health risks present.

Question:  What does “Medium” mean?

Answer:  “Medium” susceptibility means there are activities near the source water and the natural conditions of the aquifer or watershed make it somewhat likely that chemical constituents may come into contact with the source water. It does not mean that there are any health risks present.

Question:  What does “Low” mean?

Answer:  “Low” susceptibility means there are activities near the source water and the natural conditions of the aquifer or watershed make it unlikely that chemical constituents may come into contact with the source water. It does not mean that there are any health risks present.

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