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Disinfecting Public Drinking Water

Guidance for using disinfectants and reporting requirements for public water systems.

Residual Disinfectant Reporting for Public Water Systems
Requirements and forms for disinfectant reporting for community and nontransient noncommunity PWSs that use only purchased water or groundwater.

Controlling Nitrification in Public Water Systems with Chloramines
Learn how a public water system can detect and prevent the degradation of drinking water quality in a water distribution system.

Temporary Free Chlorine Conversion
Information about a temporary switch from chloramine to free chlorine for public water systems and the public.

Instructions and wording to complete required notices if your public water system will begin distributing water with a chloramine (total chlorine) residual, and whom and when to send the notices.

Guidance for determining which bleaches may be used for disinfecting water that is to be used for drinking, preparing foods, or other forms of consumption.

Disinfection Byproducts in Public Water Systems
What are disinfection byproducts, how do they form, and how can public water systems control them?