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Electronic Reporting for Public Water Systems

Water systems may submit Disinfectant Level Quarterly Operating Report (DLQOR) forms online using the electronic environmental reporting system.

Beginning November 2025, all accredited labs that analyze drinking water samples from public water systems for Lead and Copper, Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Water Quality Parameters are required to successfully use the Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP). The CMDP will centralize data submissions, ensure adherence to electronic data reporting standards, allow for secure data transfers, and is compliant with the EPA Cross Media Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR). E2 is not compliant with CROMERR.

See the Public Water System Supervision Program for training and more information about CMDP. Labs are encouraged to begin transitioning to CMDP with assistance from Global Environmental Consulting. Contact for information and training.

Why Use E2

The Electronic Environmental Reporting System (E2) allows you, the regulated community to electronically submit DLQOR forms to the TCEQ. E2 is faster, more efficient, and requires less processing for public water systems (PWS) and the TCEQ. All of the legal, security, and electronic signature functionalities are included in this complete paperless reporting system.

Getting Started

Water Systems - DLQOR

Use the instructions in the E2 DLQOR user guide to create a State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting (STEERS) account to access E2. Once in STEERS water systems will select Public Drinking Water Systems (PDWSYS) to access the report.

PWS: Reporting

Submit the Disinfectant Level Quarterly Operating Report (DLQOR)

( TCEQ Form 20067)

Every data field on the data entry form (except "report comments") is required for online submission. 

Error messages may appear after clicking the "Validate and Save" buttons:
Warning messages will indicate potential issues or violations but still allow the form to be submitted.
Validation Failed messages will indicate inconsistencies in the data that must be fixed before submission.
After you submit the DLQOR you can review it at any time under the "View Submission" menu option.

Contact Us:

If you need assistance or have questions about submitting these reports electronically, please contact the TCEQ and request or reference the program coordinator for the DLQOR.

Program Coordinator
Drinking Water Standards Section (MC-155)
Water Supply Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Phone: (512) 239-4691
For questions about STEERS, contact the STEERS helpline:
State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
STEERS Help Line
Phone: (512) 239-6925