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TCEQ Spatial Data Dictionary (Point)

Required fields for Point Spatial Data sets.

LAT_DD - Latitude in Decimal Degrees
Numeric (9,6) - Required Field
Value for latitude coordinate in decimal degrees. Total range is between -90 and +90. Value shall be positive for locations in the Northern Hemisphere and negative for locations in the Southern Hemisphere.

Important: Decimals must be carried out to enough places to correctly reflect the reported accuracy. Coordinates for positions meeting the agency 25-meter standard should be carried out to at least 4 decimal places.


LONG_DD - Longitude in Decimal Degrees
Numeric (11,6) - Required Field
Value for longitude coordinate in decimal degrees. Total range is between -180 and +180. Value shall be negative for locations in the Western Hemisphere and positive for locations in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Important: Decimals must be carried out to enough places to correctly reflect the reported accuracy. Coordinates for positions meeting the agency 25-meter standard should be carried out to at least 4 decimal places.

HORZ_METH - Horizontal Collection Method
String - Required Field
A code defining the method used to obtain the reported coordinates. This list will be expanded by the GIS Subcommittee as needed. Valid values include:

MAP_DIG Map Interpolation - Digital
MAP_MAN Map Interpolation - Manual
CEN90_BLK Census 1990 - Block Centroid
CEN00_BLK Census 2000 - Block Centroid
ADDMAT_INT Address Matching - Intersection
ADDMAT_NUM Address Matching - House Number
ADDMAT_MID Address Matching - Midpoint of Line
ADDMAT_CL Address Matching - Center Line
DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads
DRG Digital 7.5' USGS Topo Maps
GPS_DIFF GPS - Differential Correction
GPS_SURV GPS - Survey Grade Receiver
SAT_LAND Satellite Imagery - LANDSAT
SAT_SPOT Satellite Imagery - SPOT
UNKNOWN Method Unknown


HORZ_ACC - Horizontal Accuracy
Numeric (7,1) - Required Field
Assessment of the horizontal accuracy of the reported latitude/longitude coordinate expressed in meters. Accuracy will depend on the method of collection, procedures and equipment used, and/or the results of any statistically valid test of similar points. Any method used to determine accuracy should be described in the metadata. A value of -9999 should be entered if accuracy cannot be determined.


HORZ_REF - Horizontal Reference
String - Required Field
A code that specifically describes the precise location of the coordinate within the facility. This field is especially important for facilities of large spatial extent. If the appropriate code cannot be found in the following list, the code OTHER should be entered and the HORZ_DESC field should be used to describe the location of the coordinate. Valid values include:

FAC_CEN Center of Facility
FAC_NW Northwest Corner of Facility
FAC_NE Northeast Corner of Facility
FAC_SW Southwest Corner of Facility
FAC_SE Southeast Corner of Facility
FAC_ENTR Main Entrance of Facility
STRUC_CEN Center of Structure/Building
STRUC_NW Northwest Corner of Structure/Building
STRUC_NE Northeast Corner of Structure/Building
STRUC_SW Southwest Corner of Structure/Building
STRUC_SE Southeast Corner of Structure/Building
STRUC_ENTR Main Entrance of Structure/Building

HORZ_DESC - Horizontal Description
String(free text, 150) Optional Field
If the appropriate value cannot be found in the table of codes provided for the Horizontal Reference field, this field is to be used to describe the precise location of the coordinate within the facility.


HORZ_DATE - Horizontal Date
The date on which the horizontal coordinate was collected.


HORZ_ORG - Horizontal Organization
String - Required Field
Code representing the organization that measured the latitude/longitude. Please refer to the list of valid values to be used for this field.


HORZ_DATUM - Horizontal Datum
String - Required Field
Horizontal Reference Datum of the coordinates represented by the LATDD and LONGDD fields. Valid values include:

NAD27 North American Datum of 1927
NAD83 North American Datum of 1983
WGS84 World Geodetic System of 1984
UNKNOWN Horizontal Datum Unknown


ELEVATION - Elevation
Numeric (6,1) Optional Field
A value indicating the measured height above (or depression below) mean sea level in measured in meters. This would only be included for those locations for which the agency tracks elevation values.


ELEV_METH - Elevation Collection Method
String - Optional Field
A code defining the method used to obtain the reported vertical coordinates. This would only be included for those locations for which the agency tracks elevation values. Examples of valid values:

DEM_10 Digital Elevation Model - 10 Meter
DEM_30 Digital Elevation Model - 30 Meter
DEM_60 Digital Elevation Model - 60 Meter
DEM_90 Digital Elevation Model - 90 Meter
TOPO USGS 7.5-Minute Topographic Maps
SURVEY Ground Survey
GPS_SURV GPS - Survey Grade Receiver

Note: Elevations measured using non- survey grade
receivers are not acceptable.

ELEV_ACC - Elevation Accuracy
Numeric (4,1) Optional Field
Assessment of the vertical accuracy of the reported elevation expressed in meters. Accuracy will depend on the method of collection, procedures and equipment used, and/or the results of any statistically valid test of similar points. This would only be included for those locations for which the agency tracks elevation values.


ELEV_DATUM - Elevation Datum
String - Optional Field
Vertical Reference Datum for the elevation represented by the LATDD and LONGDD fields. This would only be included for those locations for which the agency tracks elevation values. Valid values include:

NGVD_29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
NAVD_88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988
UNKNOWN Vertical Datum Unknown


ELEV_ORG - Elevation Organization
String - Optional Field
Code representing the organization that measured the elevation. This would only be included for those locations for which the agency tracks elevation values. Please refer to the list of valid values to be used for this field.


ELEV_DATE - Elevation Date
String (YYYYMMDD) - Optional Field
The date on which the elevation was collected. This would only be included for those locations for which the agency tracks elevation values.