Groundwater Planning and Assessment
Groundwater protection, Groundwater Conservation Districts, Priority Groundwater Management Areas, groundwater availability certification, Texas Groundwater Protection Committee, pesticide management, and relevant reports, studies, and geographic data viewers.
Groundwater Conservation Districts
Locally governed districts for the management of groundwater supplies, with limited management planning oversight by the Groundwater Planning and Assessment Team. Map, contact list, and other useful links.
Priority Groundwater Management Areas
Program to identify areas of Texas experiencing, or expected to experience, critical groundwater problems and encourage the creation of groundwater conservation districts for those areas. Relevant reports, studies, maps, and rules.
Groundwater Availability Certification
Municipalities and counties must require groundwater availability certification in the plat application and approval process for proposed subdivisions when the groundwater beneath the land serves as the primary source of water supply. Limited exemptions are provided by statute. TCEQ is required by statute to prescribe the form and content of the groundwater availability certification.
Grants for Leaking Water Wells
Find out about TCEQ’s Leaking Water Wells Grant Program that can help offset the cost of plugging leaking water wells in qualified counties. Learn about how to participate as TCEQ establishes the rules for grant eligibility, qualifications, and project prioritization.
Texas Groundwater Protection Program
Supports and coordinates the development and implementation of the state's groundwater-protection strategy and the interagency Texas Groundwater Protection Committee. Also produces relevant reports and studies.
Pesticides and Groundwater
Groundwater Planning and Assessment Team supports and coordinates interagency efforts toward preventing and managing contamination of groundwater by pesticides.
Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report, SFR-56
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all active and inactive groundwater contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status. Includes information about how to use the report and a link and instructions for using the online, map-based Groundwater Contamination Viewer.
GCD Viewer
Interactive, online map that allows users to query and obtain spatial relationship information about designated Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) and created and confirmed Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs).
Water Well Report Viewer
Online, map-based locator of over 800,000 historical reports for water wells drilled in Texas.
Groundwater Contamination Viewer
Interactive, online map that allows users to query and obtain spatial relationship information about groundwater contamination cases.
Edwards Aquifer Map Viewer
Interactive, online map that allows users to view the areas of Texas that are subject to regulation by the TCEQ under the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program.
Groundwater Assessment Data Viewer
Interactive, online map that allows users to view the water well sampling and monitoring locations reported in the Groundwater Assessment portion of the Texas Water Quality Integrated Report.