Keep Brownsville Beautiful - Youth Advisory Board
TEEA 2020 Winner: Youth
Keep Brownsville Beautiful’s Youth Advisory Board is a youth-led organization comprised of student members from high schools and colleges that plan and manage events hosted or co-hosted by Keep Brownsville Beautiful. The Youth Advisory Board assists with creating new environmental programs, expanding existing programs, and exchanging and promoting ideas to further improve the community.
These efforts are reflected in the successes of 26 community events. The Youth Advisory Board not only plans the events, but also communicates, educates, and recruits other school clubs, organizations, and individuals to join the efforts to Keep Brownsville Beautiful. The Board interacts directly with the community at local events to educate them on topics such as clean water, recycling, and litter prevention.
The 2018–2019 term saw 33,536 volunteer hours contributed by the Youth Advisory Board’s 15 executive and 65 advisory members. They carried out 29 beautification projects, including the development of 11 butterfly gardens and 16 native and adaptive landscape sites, which encompass a combined 7,000 square feet. Youth Advisory Board outreach resulted in the recruitment of 3,258 volunteers who went on to accumulate 43,850 pounds of waste and 19,387 pounds of recyclable material in 2018.