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City of Midland - Water Pollution Control Plant Secondary Treatment Upgrades

2022 TEEA Winner - Water Conservation

In 2014 the City of Midland sent out a Request for Proposals for upgrades to the existing wastewater plant, related to water reuse for the oil and gas industry. Pioneer Natural Resources was chosen to provide the upgrades and responsibly use the treated wastewater that was the result.

The partnership between the City and Pioneer resulted in plant upgrades that limit the need for freshwater in oil and gas operations in the area while creating an affordable, reliable, long-term source of water for Pioneer. Simultaneously, the City of Midland was provided with needed infrastructure upgrades. The City of Midland had been land applying sludge as part of their wastewaster treatment for over 50 years. Their improvement project allows the City to cease this land application while allowing Pioneer the use of treated wastewater for their production processes.  The upgraded facility can treat up to 15 million gallons of water per day for reuse by Pioneer.

In an area of Texas where water resources are scarce and depleting, this project was critical to secure the water needs of the oil industry while serving as an example of how public and private industries can maximize conservation efforts and resources when working together.