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March 10, 2011: Implementation of New Non-Rule Air Standard Permit for Pollution Control Projects

On February 9, 2011, the TCEQ adopted a new non-rule standard permit for pollution control projects.

Details of the standard permit. The commission also has available the adopted rule language in an easy-to-read format for the standard permit.

Applicability of New Requirements

These new requirements are applicable to all new projects, facilities and changes throughout the state. This new non-rule standard permit replaces the Air Quality Standard Permit for Pollution Control Projects that was previously authorized under Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Section 116.617 for pollution control projects. This new non-rule PCP Standard Permit does not merely reestablish the requirements of the PCP Standard Permit in 30 TAC Section 116.617, but it is similar. Additionally, the new non-rule PCP Standard Permit has a 45-day review period instead of the 30-day review period under 30 TAC Section 116.617.

All new pollution control projects which start construction after February 9, 2011 must meet the requirements of the new non-rule standard permit. PCP projects that started construction prior to February 9, 2011 can be authorized under the previous version of the PCP Standard Permit. Also, authorizations under the previous versions of the PCP Standard Permit under 30 TAC Section 116.617 shall be renewed under the new non-rule PCP Standard Permit upon the ten year anniversary.

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