Types of Authorization for Galvanizing Operations
Describes which authorizations may be applicable to galvanizing operations.
The following list of permit authorizations is arranged in order of the time and effort required to obtain authorization.
- Permits by Rule (PBRs) for Galvanizing Operations. These links will take you to the specific PBR that may apply to your facility. Review the general information for qualifying and applying for a PBR. Contact air permitting staff regarding partial permitting policies.
- Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Section 106.183 (Boilers, Heaters and other Combustion Devices)
- Section 106.261 - Facilities (Emission Limitations)
- Section 106.262 - Facilities (Emission and Distance Limitations)
- Section 106.264 - Replacements of Facilities
- Section 106.265 - Handheld and Manually Operated Machines
- Section 106.313 - Tumblers for Cleaning or Deburring Metal
- Section 106.317 - Miscellaneous Metal Equipment
- Section 106.320 - Miscellaneous Metallic Treatment
- Section 106.375 - Aqueous Solutions for Electrolytic and Electroless Processes
- Construction Permit - If you cannot qualify for another type of permit authorization, you must apply for a case-by-case construction permit under 30 TAC Chapter 116.
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions regarding this guidance please contact us.