Historical Policy and Guidance Memos for New Source Review and Permits by Rule
Policy and guidance memos for New Source Review and Permits by Rule.
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 2014
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 2008
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 2006
- Permit by Rule and Standard Permit Consolidation Into Permits - September 2006
- Electric Generators under PBR - January 2006
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 2005
- Authorization Options for Required Diesel Additives Attachment - November 2005
- Authorization Options for Required Diesel Additives Attachment - October 2005
- Authorization Options for Required Diesel Additives Attachment - September 2005
- Pollution Control Project (PCP) Standard Permit Exemption from Federal New Source Review - August 2005
- Tank and Material Handling Authorization Options for Required Diesel Additives - June 2005
- Permit by Rule Incorporation into Permits - May 2005
- Voiding Permits and Claiming Permits by Rule or Standard Permits - May 2005
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 2004
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 2003
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 2001
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1999
- FNSR Applicability for Flexible Permits (Draft) - August 1999
- Permit Renewal During Flexible Permit Reviews - March 1999
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1998
- Bulk Gasoline Terminals - December 1998
- Flexible Permits and the Plantwide Applicability Limit (PAL) - December 1998
- Applicable Date of Conditions of an Exemption from Permitting - August 1998
- PSD and Non-Attainment (NA) Applicability to the Restart of Sources that Are Shut - August 1998
- Application of 30 TAC 106.352, subsections (1) and (2) - June 1998
- Voluntary addition/replacement of control under 116.617, circumvention, and use of exemptions - May 1998
- Permit Actions associated with Single Property Designations - March 1998
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1997
- Exemption Applicability - October 1997
- Equipment Leak Factors for Crude Oil Pipeline Facilities - May 1997
- Evaluating Off-Property Concentrations of Inorganic Fluorides - May 1997
- Standard Permits for Pollution Control Projects - April 1997
- Cotton Gins - February 1997
- Anhydrous Ammonia Storage and Handling - January 1997
- Dry Bulk Fertilizer Handling Facilities - January 1997
- Grain Handling/Feedmilling Facilities - January 1997
- Use of Standard Exemptions for Facilities Operating under Standard Permits - January 1997
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1996
- Minimum Distance Requirements in Standard Exemptions 106 and 118, 30 TAC 116.211 - October 1996
- Limits for onshore natural gas plant sulfur recovery units (SRU) - August 1996
- Air Regulation Interpretation of Title 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 115 (30 TAC 115) Definition of "Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Process" - April 1996
- Use of Standard Exemptions at Permitted Facilities - April 1996
- Petroleum Marketing Terminal Fugitive Emission Factors/Leak Detection and Repair Requirements – March 1996
- Grandfathered Facilities and Standard Permits - January 1996
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1995
- Requirement for NNSR Netting - December 1995
- Air Quality Permit Requirements in Texas - November 1995
- Approving Asphalt Concrete Plant Additives Under S.E. 106 - October 1995
- Fluid Catalytic Cracking Units (FCCU) - October 1995
- Instructions For Claiming A Standard Exemption - September 1995
- Heatset Offset Printing - June 1995
- S. E. No. 58: Metal Melting and Holding Furnaces - June 1995
- Absorption Units - May 1995
- Bulk Liquid Storage Terminals - April 1995
- Chromium Plating Facilities - April 1995
- Wood and Chip Handling in Kraft Pulp and Paper Mills - April 1995
- Before Your Permit is Issued - March 1995
- Medical Waste Incinerators - March 1995
- Metal Furnaces - March 1995
- Municipal Waste Combustors - March 1995
- Solvent Degreasers - March 1995
- Sulfur Recovery Units (SRU) - March 1995
- Storage Tanks - February 1995
- Abrasive Blast Cleaning - January 1995
- Loading Operations - January 1995
- Swine Feeding Operations - January 1995
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1994
- Grain Elevators - December 1994
- Standard Exemption No. 24 - December 1994
- Standard Exemption No. 94 - December 1994
- Tank Truck and Rail Car Cleaning - December 1994
- PSD Public Notice Checklist - November 94
- Tank Truck and Rail Car Cleaning - November 1994
- Hot Dip Galvanizing - October 1994
- Visibility Protection - Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit Applications - October 1994
- Enforcement Policy on Standard Exemptions - September 1994
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment Review Implications for Relaxation of Permit conditions - September 1994
- Evaluation of Ambient Monitoring for PSD Permits - August 1994
- Implementation of Regulation VI, Rule 116.116(c) - August 1994
- New Permit Face and Permit Conditions - July 1994
- Standard Permits - General Information of Interest - July 1994
- Artificial Limitations and Standard Exemptions in Nonattainment Areas - June 1994
- Extension for start of construction in Nonattainment Areas - June 1994
- Limits for gas-fired boilers and heaters - June 1994
- Aluminum Anodizing under Standard Exemption No. 41 - May 1994
- Commercial medical waste incinerators - May 1994
- General provisions: 28M - May 1994
- Concrete Batch Plant Standard Exemption Curves - April 1994
- Denial Policy for Standard Exemptions - April 1994
- Standard Exemption No. 41 Dip Tanks - April 1994
- Control Requirements for Glycol Dehydration Units - March 1994
- Grandfathered Standard Exemptions - March 1994
- Waste Blend Fuel Oil use in Std. Ex. 99 - March 1994
- Determining Maximum Rated Engine Horsepower for Standard Exemption No. 6 - February 1994
- Standard Exemptions Included in Permits - February 1994
- Standard Exemption No. 57 - February 1994
- Standard Exemption No. 73 - February 1994
- Standard Exemption Nos. 77 and 114 - February 1994
- Standard Exemption No. 89 - February 1994
- Standard Exemption No. 105 - February 1994
- Air Permit Application Requirements For Companies in Violation of Rule 116.110 Over Thirty Days - January 1994
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1993
- Distance Requirements in Standard Exemptions - December 1993
- Interpretation of Standard Exemption (SE) No. 106(c) - December 1993
- Permit Renewal Issue Date - November 1993
- Standard Exemption No. 91 - Interpretation of Intent, Usage and Scope - November 1993
- Alternate Language Public Notice - July 1993
- Special Exemption 116.6(a)(2) now 116.211(a)(3) - July 1993
- Permit Renewal - June 1993
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Modifications - May 1993
- Method for determining Regulation V exemption status of vent gas streams pursuant to Rule 115.127 - January 1993
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1992
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1991
- Enterprise Products Company - Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Requirements Mont Belvieu, Chambers County - July 1991
- Standard Exemption 106 Interpretation - April 1991
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1990
- Permitting Requirements for 4-D Operations - November 1990
- Special Exemption Amendments - October 1990
- Regulation VI Revisions - effective date - July 1990
- Time Limits for Amendments - March 1990
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1989
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1987
- Request for Legal Opinion - Permit Renewal - December 1987
- Permit Renewals - Claiming of a Standard Exemption - December 1987
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Applicability Issues - August 1987
- Permit Renewal - April 1987
- Request for Legal Opinion - Permit Renewals - March 1987
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1986
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1985
- Legal Opinion - Amoco Oil Permit 2384A, Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) No. 1 - August 1985
- Public Notice for Concrete Batch Plants - July 1985
- Confidential Information - March 1985
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1984
- NSPS Promulgation and Proposals - October 1984
- Public Notification - Permit Amendments, Exemptions and Change of Location of Previously Permitted Facilities - June 1984
- Standard Exemption (SE) No. 37 - May 1984
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1980
- NSPS Applicability to Cement Kilns Firing an Alternative Fuel - September 1980
- Interpretation of the Standard Exemption List - April 1980
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1979
- Applicability of NSPS Subpart Y - Standards of Performance for Coal Preparation Plants - August 1979
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos from 1978
Historic Policy and Guidance Memos (Undated Material)
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