Best Available Control Technology BACT and Air Permitting
Guidelines for determining what BACT is for any one situation. How to have a new process or piece of equipment studied to determine whether it is BACT.
BACT Guidelines
Guidelines for determining best available control technology are in the Air Pollution Control Guidance Document.
BACT Guidelines for Combustion Sources
Guidelines for determining best available control technology for facilities that are sources of emissions due to combustion.
BACT Guidelines for Mechanical, Agricultural and Construction
Sources Guidelines for determining best available control technology for facilities and activities in which emissions are produced through mechanical processes.
BACT Guidelines for Coatings Sources
Guidelines for determining best available control technology for facilities and activities associated with coating processes.
BACT Guidelines for Chemical Sources
Guidelines for determining best available control technology for chemical facilities and associated activities.
BACT Current Policy and Guidance Memos
Memos for Best Available Control Technology Memos from TCEQ staff with guidance of current significance to BACT for air emissions.
BACT Historical Policy and Guidance Memos
Historical policy and guidance memos about Best Available Control Technology.
Design Criteria
Variability of compounds and low concentrations in emission stream information
Information regarding the reliability number of hours per year that a control device is expected to operate.
Removal Mechanism
Includes information regarding method of control normally encountered with each emission stream.
Threshold Limit
The threshold limit is the annual emission rate above which a company may need additional controls or review.
Questions? We Can Help
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