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Outdated Exemption List, Subchapter J - June 18, 1997

Synopsis of specific exemptions from air permitting that were in effect on this date.

30 TAC 106 - Subchapter J Food Preparation and Processing

106.241 Slaughterhouses (Previously SE109)
106.242 Food Preparation (Previously SE20)
106.243 Smokehouses (Previously SE29)
106.244 Ovens, Barbecue Pits, Cookers (Previously SE32)
106.245 Ethyl Alcohol Facilities (Previously SE98)

106.241 Slaughterhouses (Previously SE 109)

Any facility where animals or poultry are slaughtered and prepared for human consumption provided that waste products such as blood, offal, and feathers are stored in such a manner as to prevent the creation of a nuisance condition and these waste products are removed from the premises daily or stored under refrigeration until removed are exempt. In addition, areas used to hold animals or poultry for slaughter shall be kept dry and clean to control odors.

106.242 Food Preparation (Previously SE 20)

Equipment used in eating establishments for the purpose of preparing food for human consumption is exempt.

106.243 Smokehouses (Previously SE 29)

Smokehouses in which the maximum horizontal inside cross-sectional area does not exceed 100 square feet are exempt.

106.244 Ovens, Barbecue Pits, and Cookers (Previously SE 32)

Ovens, mixers, blenders, barbecue pits, and cookers if the products are edible and intended for human consumption are exempt.

106.245 Ethyl Alcohol Facilities (Previously SE 98)

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) production facilities having a capacity of less than 200 gallons of ethanol per day when natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, or Number 2 fuel oil is used to supply heat for cooking and distillation are exempt. Drying of spent (distillers) grain and water stillage is not authorized under this section.

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