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Outdated Exemption List, Subchapter R - June 18, 1997

Synopsis of specific exemptions from air permitting that were in effect on this date.

30 TAC 106 - Subchapter R Service Industries

106.411 Equipment for Mixing Plastic and Rubber (no solvent) (Previously SE 9)
106.412 Fuel Dispensing (Previously SE 14)
106.413 Bond Lining to Brake Shoes (Previously SE 19)
106.414 Packing Lubes and Greases (Previously SE 26)
106.415 Laundry Dryers (Previously SE 43)
106.416 Uranium Recovery Facilities (Previously SE 95)
106.417 Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers (Previously SE 89)
106.418 Printing Presses (Previously SE 13)
106.419 Photographic Process Equipment (Previously SE 38)

106.411 Steam or Dry Cleaning Equipment (Previously SE 9)

Equipment used exclusively for steam or dry cleaning of fabrics, plastics, rubber, wood, or vehicle engines or drive trains is exempt.

106.412 Fuel Dispensing (Previously SE 14)

Equipment used exclusively to store and dispense motor fuels into heavy and light-duty motor vehicles and marine vessels or other watercraft, aircraft, and railroad locomotive engines is exempt.

106.413 Bond Lining to Brake Shoes (Previously SE 19)

Equipment used exclusively for bonding lining to brake shoes is exempt.

106.414 Packaging Lubes and Greases (Previously SE 26)

Equipment used exclusively for the packaging of lubricants or greases is exempt.

106.415 Laundry Dryers (Previously SE 43)

Laundry dryers, extractors, or tumblers used for fabrics cleaned with water solutions of bleach or detergents are exempt.

106.416 Uranium Recovery Facilities (Previously SE 95)

A uranium in-situ solution recovery facility producing yellowcake is exempt, provided that the facility operates according to the following conditions of this section.

(1) The facility is located at least 1/4 mile from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.

(2) The facility shall have no emissions other than:

(A) ammonia which shall not exceed an emission rate of 2.0 pounds per hour (lb/hr); and

(B) particulate dust from yellowcake drying not to exceed 0.1 lb/hr.

(3) The facility shall have no visible particulate emissions from any part of the process.

(4) Before construction begins, the facility shall be registered with the commission's Office of Air Quality in Austin using Form PI-7.

106.417 Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers (Previously SE 89)

Ethylene oxide (EO) sterilizing chambers/operations located on the same or contiguous property and under common ownership that use 1,000 pounds or less of EO per year are exempt provided that the following conditions of this section are satisfied.

(1) Any sterilizer usage that is less than 0.04 pounds of EO (20 milliliters liquid EO) per charge and the annual usage is 4.0 pounds or less of EO for the entire facility, is exempted from all requirements.

(2) All sterilizers must meet the following conditions.

(A) EO shall only be handled by medical professionals or appropriately trained personnel in medical and industrial use areas.

(B) Written records shall be maintained for a minimum of two years and shall be made available to representatives of the commission upon request. Records shall include:

(i) documentation of the date and time of each sterilizer operation cycle;

(ii) the total pounds of EO purchased and used per calendar year listed as monthly totals;

(iii) leak test results.

(C) Leak tests of each sterilizer system shall be performed at least every six months. Results of the tests shall be made available to the commission upon request.

(D) EO shall only be used alone or in combination with carbon dioxide, nitrogen, chlorofluorocarbon, hydrochlorofluorocarbon diluent gases, or other mixtures as approved by the executive director.

(E) The sterilizer vent system exhaust stack shall meet the following conditions.

(i) The stack shall be uncapped and exhaust vertically upward.

(ii) The stack height shall be extended to at least 15 feet above the roof line of the building; and the stack tip shall be located at least 25 feet from any opening to the building interior, such as fresh air intake, unsealed windows, or pedestrian traffic areas. Stacks on multi-level roofs must only extend 15 feet above the roof upon which the stack is located.

(iii) Stack exit velocity shall be at least 50 feet per second.

(3) The following conditions apply only to sterilizers that use more than four pounds, but less than 100 pounds of EO per year.

(A) Sterilizer systems which vent entirely to atmosphere shall not exceed 0.5 pounds of EO used per cycle. Sterilizer systems which use nonrecirculating, water sealed vacuum systems shall not exceed two pounds of EO charged per cycle. For facilities with multiple sterilizers, the usage rate is based on total EO usage at any given time.

(B) Any combination of sterilizers located on the same or contiguous property under common ownership shall not exceed a total EO usage of less than 100 pounds per year.

(4) The following conditions apply only to sterilizers that use between 100 and 1,000 pounds of EO per year.

(A) Before construction begins, the facility shall be registered with the commission using Form PI-7.

(B) The sterilizer chamber exhaust shall vent through an emission control device that will continuously achieve a minimum EO removal efficiency of 99%. Thermal incineration shall not be used to control sterilizer exhaust emissions if chlorofluorocarbons are used as a diluent.

(C) There shall be no discharge of water containing dissolved EO through a sanitary sewer system.

(D) Any combination of sterilizers located on the same or contiguous property under common ownership shall be limited to a total EO usage of 1,000 pounds per year.

106.418 Printing Presses (Previously SE 13)

Printing operations (including, but not limited to, screen printers, ink-jet printers, presses using electron beam or ultraviolet light curing, and labeling operations) and supporting equipment (including, but not limited to, corona treaters, curing lamps, preparation, and cleaning equipment) which directly supports the printing operation are exempt, provided that all the following conditions of this section are satisfied.

(1) The uncontrolled emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and solvents (including, but not limited to, those used for printing, cleanup, or makeup) shall not exceed the following rates:

(A) 15 tons per year (tpy) for any single printing operation proposed to be covered by this section; and

(B) 25 tpy for all printing operations on the property covered by exemptions from permitting.

(2) Facilities which release ten tpy or more of VOC emissions from all exempted printing operations at the site must register with the commission using Form PI-7.

(3) Copying and duplicating equipment employing the xerographic method are exempt from paragraphs (4) - (6) of this section.

(4) Printing presses covered by this section shall not utilize heat set, thermo set, or oven-dried inks. Heated air may be used to shorten drying time, provided the temperature does not exceed 194 degrees Fahrenheit (90 degrees Celsius).

(5) Records of ink and solvent usage shall be kept in sufficient detail to show compliance with paragraph (1) of this section and shall be maintained for a two-year rolling retention period.

(6) Screen printing operations requiring temperatures greater that 194 degrees Fahrenheit (90 degrees Celsius) to set the ink are exempt from paragraph (4) of this section.

(7) Facilities located in ozone nonattainment areas shall meet the requirements of Chapter 115, Subchapters B and D of this title (relating to Volatile Organic Compound Sources and Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Processes).

106.419 Photographic Process Equipment (Previously SE 38)

Photographic process equipment by which an image is reproduced upon material sensitized to radiant energy is exempt.

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