30 TAC 106 - Subchapter I Manufacturing
106.221 Extrusion Presses (Previously
106.223 Saw Mills (Previously SE120)
106.224 Aerospace Equipment and Parts Manufacturing
(Previously SE123)
106.225 Semiconductor Manufacturing (Previously
106.226 Paints, Varnishes, Ink and other Coating
Manufacturing (Previously SE125)
106.227 Soldering, Brazing, Welding (Previously
106.228 Platen Presses for Laminating (Previously
106.229 Textile Dyeing and Stripping Equipment
(Previously SE15)
106.231 Manufacturing, Refinishing and Restoring
Wood Products
106.221 Extrusion Presses
(Previously SE 10)
Presses used exclusively for extruding metals, minerals,
plastics, rubber, or wood are exempt except where halogenated
carbon compounds or hydrocarbon solvents are used as foaming
agents. Presses used for extruding scrap materials or reclaiming
scrap materials are not exempt.
106.223 Saw Mills
(Previously SE 120)
Sawmills processing no more than 25 million board feet, green
lumber tally of wood per year, in which no mechanical drying of
lumber is performed and which meet all of the following provisions
of this section are exempt.
(1) The mill shall be located at least 500 feet from any
recreational area, school, residence, or other structure not
occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner
of the property upon which the facility is located.
(2) All in-plant roads and vehicle work areas shall be
watered, oiled, or paved and cleaned as necessary to achieve
maximum control of dust emissions.
(3) All sawmill residues (sawdust, shavings, chips, bark) from
debarking, planing, saw areas, etc., shall be removed or contained
to minimize fugitive particulate emissions. Spillage of wood
residues shall be cleaned up as soon as possible and contained such
that dust emissions from wind erosion and/or vehicle traffic are
(4) All sawmill residues shall be mechanically conveyed by
belts and/or drag chains to a collection area for disposal or if a
pneumatic collection system is utilized, the air must exhaust to a
fabric or cartridge filter with air cleaning and a filtering
velocity no greater than 7.0 ft/min (air-to-cloth ratio = 7.0), or
automatic sequenced mechanical cleaning and a filtering velocity no
greater than 5.0 ft/min (air-to-cloth ratio = 5.0), or a system
found to be equivalent by the appropriate regional office.
(5) Disposal of collected sawmill residues must be
accomplished in a manner which will prevent the material from
becoming airborne. Disposal by means of burning is prohibited
unless it is conducted in an approved incinerator.
(6) All open-bodied vehicles transporting sawmill residues
(sawdust, shavings, chips, bark) shall be covered with a tarp to
achieve maximum control of particulate emissions.
(7) There will be no visible emissions at the property line
from the facility or equipment.
(8) Before construction of the facility begins, written site
approval must be received from the director of the commission's
Office of Air Quality in Austin and the facility shall be
registered with that office using Form PI-7.
106.224 Aerospace Equipment
and Parts Manufacturing (Previously SE 123)
Any new aerospace equipment and parts manufacturing plant, or
physical and operational change to an existing aerospace equipment
and parts manufacturing plant are exempt, provided that the
following conditions of this section are satisfied.
(1) For purposes of this section, aerospace equipment and
parts manufacturing plant means the entire operation on the
property which engages in the fabrication or assembly of parts,
tools, or completed components of any aircraft, helicopter,
dirigible, balloon, missile, drone, rocket, or space vehicle. This
exemption will not include composite aerospace equipment and parts
manufacturing plants. Composite plants are defined to be plants
whose products are less than 50% metal, by weight, based on annual
production figures. This definition excludes those operations
specifically authorized by other exemptions. For example, a boiler
would not be considered a part of the aerospace manufacturing
plant, but could be authorized under 106.181 of this title
(relating to Boilers, Heaters, and Other Combustion Devices), if
all pertinent requirements were met.
(2) Emission points associated with the aerospace equipment
and parts manufacturing plant or changes to that plant shall be
located at least 100 feet from any off-plant receptor. Off-plant
receptor means any recreational area or residence or other
structure not occupied or used solely by the owner or operator of
the aerospace equipment and parts manufacturing plant or the owner
of the property upon which the aerospace plant is located.
Controlled access recreational areas owned by the property owner or
the owner or operator of the aerospace plant are not off-plant
(3) The total annual emissions, in tons per year, of the
following air contaminants authorized under this section, on a
cumulative basis, from the entire aerospace manufacturing plant
shall not exceed the values specified:
(A) inhalable particulate matter - five tons per year (tpy);
(B) volatile organic compounds (VOC) - 15 tpy;
(C) acid gases or vapors - five tpy;
(D) non-VOC carbon compound emissions - ten tpy;
(E) total of air contaminants in subparagraphs (A)-(D) of this
paragraph - 25 tpy.
(4) Hourly emissions of total new or increased emissions,
including fugitives, of particulate matter or chemicals listed or
referenced in Table 262 of 106.262 of this title (relating to
Facilities (Emission Distance Limitations) (Previously SE 118)),
shall not exceed the hourly emission rate, E, as determined using
the equation, E = L/K lb/hr, where:
E = maximum allowable hourly emission, lb/hr,
L = limit value (see Table 262), milligrams per cubic meter,
K = value from Table 224A (interpolate intermediate values),
D = distance to the nearest off-plant receptor from the closest
affected emission point.
Table 224A
D, Feet |
K |
100 |
326 |
200 |
200 |
300 |
139 |
400 |
104 |
500 |
81 |
600 |
65 |
700 |
54 |
800 |
46 |
900 |
39 |
1000 |
34 |
2000 |
14 |
3000 or more |
1 |
(5) Before construction or change in operation begins,
registration shall be submitted to the commission's Office of Air
Quality in Austin using a completed Form PI-7. The emission data
provided in the PI-7 shall include all process emission sources at
the plant, both existing and proposed, and shall be the maximum
allowed emissions for permitted units, the actual emissions for
existing grandfathered or exempted units, and the projected maximum
allowable emissions for proposed units. Emissions shall be
speciated by chemical compound and the stack parameters, as
appropriate, for each emission source shall be provided.
Registration shall include a description of the project,
calculations, and data identifying specific chemical names, "L"
values, "D" values, and a description of pollution control
equipment, if any.
(6) An emissions inventory shall be compiled and/or updated on
an annual basis for all process emission sources on the property,
maintained on a two-year rolling retention cycle, and made
available upon request by the executive director. The inventory
records should include the basis for all emissions estimates,
sample calculations, and material usage records. Material and
solvent usage records shall be maintained in sufficient detail to
document compliance with this section.
(7) There shall be no visible emissions from each existing and
proposed stack, hood, vent, or opening to the atmosphere.
(8) Any facility in which any chemical listed in subparagraph
(D) of this paragraph will be handled or stored as a liquid or a
compressed gas in a compound mixture of a concentration greater
than 10% by weight or an aqueous solution of any chemical listed in
subparagraph (D) of this paragraph greater than 50% by weight shall
comply with subparagraphs (A)-(C) of this paragraph.
(A) The facility shall be located at least 300 feet from the
nearest property line and 600 feet from any off-plant receptor.
(B) The cumulative amount of any one of the chemicals listed
in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph, resulting from one or more
authorizations under this section, shall not exceed 500 pounds on
the plant property.
(C) Any chemical listed in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph
shall be handled only in containers operated in compliance with
United States Department of Transportation regulations (49 Code of
Federal Regulations, Parts 171-178).
(D) Listed chemicals are: acrolein, ammonia, bromine, carbon
disulfide, chlorine, ethyl mercaptan, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen
bromide, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide,
phosphine, sulfur dioxide, methyl bromide, methyl isocyanate,
methyl mercaptan, nickel carbonyl, phosgene.
106.225 Semiconductor
Manufacturing (Previously SE 115)
Modifications, additions, or relocations of equipment
(excluding add-on controls) used for semiconductor manufacturing
operations that result in the addition, increase, or substitution
of an air contaminant are exempt provided the following conditions
of this section are satisfied.
(1) The following is a list of definitions for this section.
(A) Permitted air contaminants - The individual chemical
compounds represented in the latest permit or permit amendment
application approved by the executive director.
(B) Ground Level Contaminant (GLC1)(max) new - The maximum
hourly off-property GLC resulting from the new emission rate of air
contaminant 1.
(C) GLC1(receptor) new - The maximum hourly off-property GLC
at the sensitive receptor with the highest possible impacts
resulting from the new emission rate of air contaminant 1.
(D) GLC2(max) - The maximum hourly off-property GLC resulting
from the emission rate of air contaminant 2.
(E) GLC2(receptor) - The maximum hourly off-property GLC at
the sensitive receptor with the highest possible impacts resulting
from the emission rate of air contaminant 2.
(F) ESL1 - The 30-minute Effects Screening Level (ESL)
published in the commission's ESL list dated April 10, 1995, for
air contaminant 1.
(G) ESL2 - The 30-minute ESL published in the commission's ESL
list dated April 10, 1995, for air contaminant 2.
(2) New emissions or an emission increase of any air
contaminant less than 0.04 pounds per hour (sitewide) are exempt
from all conditions of this section except paragraphs (3), (11),
and (l2) of this section.
(3) A permit has been issued by the commission for at least
one emission source owned by the person using this section on the
same property for which this section is being claimed.
(4) The facility's baseline GLCs of the permitted air
contaminants have been determined using air dispersion modeling or
other methods.
(5) New emission points are not authorized by this section.
(6) There will be no change in method of control for any air
contaminants as represented in the latest permit or permit
amendment application approved by the executive director.
(7) Increases of a permitted air contaminant shall meet all of
the following criteria:
(A) GLC1(max)new ó 2ESL1;
(B) GLC1(receptor)new ó ESL1.
(8) Additions of a non-permitted air contaminant,
substitutions of a non-permitted air contaminant for a permitted
air contaminant, and substitutions of one permitted air contaminant
for another permitted air contaminant shall meet all of the
following criteria:
(A) GLC2(max)new ó 2ESL2;
(B) GLC2(receptor)new ó ESL2.
(9) If the commission ESL list dated April 10, 1995, does not
include the air contaminant to be added or substituted, the
permittee must use an ESL derived by the commission's Toxicology
and Risk Assessment Division. The ESL shall be obtained in writing
prior to the use of the new substance.
(10) The cumulative net annual emission increases of the
following categories of air contaminants from multiple uses of this
section shall not exceed the following values:
(A) particulate matter - five tons per year (tpy);
(B) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - 15 tpy;
(C) non-VOCs - five tpy;
(D) acids/bases - ten tpy;
(E) any other air contaminant - five tpy;
(F) total of all emission increases - 25 tpy.
(11) The applicable ground-level concentration limits in
Chapters 111, 112, and 113 of this title (relating to Control of
Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter; Sulfur
Compounds; and Toxic Materials) shall not be exceeded.
(12) Within 30 days of use of this section, the permittee
shall maintain documentation that demonstrates all applicable
conditions of this section were satisfied. The documentation shall
be made available to the commission upon request.
106.226 Paints, Varnishes,
Ink, and Other Coating Manufacturing (Previously SE 125)
Coating manufacturing operations (products include, but are
not limited to, paints, varnishes, sealants, stains, adhesives,
inks, pigments, maskants, and paint strippers) including raw
material storage, weighing, mixing, milling, grinding, thinning,
and packaging where no chemical reactions are involved are exempt
provided the conditions of this section are met.
(1) Uncontrolled solvent emissions (less water) shall not
exceed the following rates:
(A) 15 tons per year (tpy) for any single product line (alkyd,
latex, epoxy, etc.) proposed to be covered by this section; and
(B) 25 tpy for all operations on the property covered by this
(2) Particulate matter (PM) emissions from the entire facility
covered by this section shall not exceed one tpy.
(3) Opacity of emissions from any emission point must not
exceed 5.0% averaged over any six-minute period. Opacity shall be
determined using United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Reference Method 9.
(4) Manufacturing operations involving powders which contain
more than 0.1% by weight of chromium, cadmium, asbestos, lead, or
arsenic are prohibited from claiming exemption under this section.
(5) The owner or operator of the facility shall keep records
of all liquid and solid material usage rates in order to determine
volatile organic compound and PM emissions on a monthly and
calendar year-to-date basis. Documentation of the usage data shall
be maintained for a two-year rolling retention period and be in
sufficient detail to show compliance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of
this section. For the purposes of this section, the amount of
solvent lost as emissions may be estimated at 2.0% of the total
weight of all solvent (less water) used in the manufacturing
process. PM emissions may be estimated at 1.0% of the total weight
of dry powder used in the manufacturing process (reference: EPA
Manual AP-41; Volume I, Supplement E, Chapter 5.10.1).
(6) Bags or sacks of dry powders shall be opened within an
enclosed bag slitter or within a totally enclosed area designed to
minimize PM emissions. PM emissions shall be vented to a control
device that meets the requirements of paragraph (8) of this
(7) Mixing, milling, material transfer, storage operations, or
other similar operations shall be conducted in totally enclosed or
covered containers to minimize emission losses. Operations which
involve dry powders or pigments shall be vented through a dust
collector system (fabric filter, cartridge filter, or baghouse)
with a maximum outlet grain loading of 0.01 gr/dscf and a maximum
filtering velocity of 7.0 ft/minute.
(8) Any processing or control equipment which requires
external venting shall be exhausted through vertical exhaust stacks
at least 1.2 times the height of the building as measured from
ground level. Rain hats, goose neck exhausts, or other stack heads
that would restrict or obstruct the vertical discharge of air
contaminants shall not be allowed.
(9) Packaging and filling operations shall be conducted under
a hood or within an enclosure designed to minimize fugitive
emissions (reference: American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienist, Industrial Ventilation Manual).
(10) Any spills of dry powders or solvents shall be cleaned up
promptly in a manner designed to minimize emissions.
(11) Waste materials shall be stored in covered containers and
disposed of properly to minimize emissions.
106.227 Soldering, Brazing,
Welding (Previously SE 39)
Brazing, soldering, or welding equipment, except those which
emit 0.6 ton per year or more of lead, are exempt.
106.228 Platen Presses for
Laminating (Previously SE 30)
Platen presses used for laminating are exempt.
106.229 Textile Dyeing and
Stripping Equipment (Previously SE 15)
Equipment used exclusively for the dyeing or stripping of
textiles is exempt.
106.231 Manufacturing,
Refinishing, and Restoring Wood Products
Facilities, including drying or curing ovens, and hand-held or
manually operated equipment, used for manufacturing, refinishing,
and/or restoring wood products that meet the following requirements
are exempt from obtaining an air quality permit.
(1) If a pneumatic sawdust collection system is used, it must
be followed by a filter with no visible emissions.
(2) Waste materials shall be stored and disposed of properly.
There shall be no visible emissions leaving the property.
(3) If the total coatings, solvents, and stripping agents used
exceeds six gallons per day (gpd) or one gpd of methylene chloride,
the following requirements must be met:
(A) the application area must be exhausted using forced air
through a stack with an unobstructed vertical discharge above the
peak of the roof line; and
(B) in addition to the requirements of subparagraph (A) of
this paragraph, if application is made by spraying, the application
area must also be vented through a filter system with a minimum
particulate removal efficiency of 95%.
(4) Purchase receipts for total coatings, solvents, and
stripping agents for the most recent 24 months must be kept on site
and be made immediately available upon request of personnel from
the agency or any other air pollution control agency having
jurisdiction. If the total materials purchased exceeds 550 gallons
in any one month, records of the amount of materials used per month
must be kept on-site to demonstrate that total emissions do not
exceed 25 tons per year in any consecutive 12 months.
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